Chapter 14

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   I'm a different person overall as I look at the picture frame. I quickly set it down and wrapped my arms around my chest, holding myself together. The soul purpose of this is to bring back the memories that I still had of all the good times my family and I had when Helen was alive, but there's also the bad ones too. Taking a lung full of air, I walked outside to the awaiting motorcycle. I got on and waited for everybody else to get into their own cars. Putting my headphones on, I listened to music while taking off to school. Yeah, I said it. Fucking high school.

The supposedly 'grown ups' cornered me this morning and forced me back into school. That didn't mean I didn't go without a fight, of course.

'Education is important,' Rosie had said. But with Bruce on their side I didn't have a choice.

I'll get that fucker later, is what I think. I grinned at the thought. When it came to pay back or revenge, let's just say I'm a total bitch.

After I parked my motorcycle, I was crushed by Seth's embrace. Dammit, he probably realized something was bothering me. Still, it didn't mean I didn't like to breathe.

I gasped for breath and tried to push him away. What the fudge? It's like pushing against a damn brick wall. Seth seemed to get my distress because he pulled back and gave me a smile.

We began to head to the school yard. "You didn't have to go all King Kong on me, idiot," I growled playfully. By now we were all in the courtyard, heading to the grass area.

"I have some news," Seth said so fast that I had to strain my ears to keep up. His eyes searched frantically around, scanning the area.

"What? You finally hit puberty," I joked, chuckling while the rest joined me. When I saw his face fall I sobered up and quickly added, "Sorry Sethy, I didn't know it was serious. Tell me again."

"I found my mate—" Before he even finished his sentence I had already tackled him to the floor and hugged him hard enough that he had to ask me to let go.

"This is the best day ever!" I screamed. The biggest grin I'd shone anyone in a long time was plastered on my face. "Who is she? What does she look like? Oh I bet—"

"Get off me, woman! I'll tell you everything once you're not on top of me."

I laughed and did as he said. But Seth froze and was looking behind me. Glancing over my shoulder, I see Jasmine staring at us with a hurt expression. My eyes widened as I realized that they're mates. 

Jasmine turned around and ran into school just as the bell rang. Seth and I frowned at each other before we all headed to class. I said goodbye to everyone and entered my first hour. I sat in the back, closest to the window and away from the students.

"Okay students, today we will be working on our projects—" Mrs. Stanley was interrupted by none other than the piece of shit I called a mate, Damon, with Monica as they came into the room as if they owned it.  

"I'm sorry, Mr. Damon and Ms. Monica, but class already started so you two must head to sweep." Oh how I hate sweep. My arch enemy.

"Excuse me?" Damon growls, eyes flashing, fists clenched. Mrs. Stanley is a werewolf that's a part of Walter's – um, Alex's pack. In a matter of fact, this whole class had werewolves.

The poor teacher was shaking in fright. "Submit!" Damon snarled. And that's when I stood up, the chair screeching against the floor. All eyes turned on me and widened. No one had known I was here. Maybe 'cause I am good at hiding myself, though, being a pure blooded Alpha is pretty hard to hide.

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