Chapter 9

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   After I saw Sam last night, I ran past him and into my old house to a room I used to own. My old room.

Everything's changed, though.

"No, I don't want to go!" I yelled. "There's no point in going to school. We're half way through the year already and it's a Friday. Who goes to school on a Friday?!"

"That's enough, Ellie," Anthony yelled, exasperated. "You are going back to school and that's final."

I pursed my lips, holding back an irritated scream. This morning Anthony told me I had to go back to my own hell. School. We've been fighting all morning about this idiotic topic and lately it's starting to piss me off. Acting like the mature teenager I was, I marched upstairs to change into some comfortable clothes.

"And hurry up!"

A growl ripped its way out of my throat. I knew Anthony heard because he didn't say anything anymore.

Since the house is farther from school then the other damn houses, it's about a fifteen minute drive. But man, when you're in a truck filled with male teenage werewolves it's a lot to take in. There's another car trailing behind us with even more guys.


Rosie thought it was the best idea in the world for Seth, Ralf, Alec, Peter, and Stevie and many of the teenage fighters to accompany me to school. I'm gonna die. Literally. A few girls came with us from my pack so I wasn't so tense as I originally thought.

When we finally arrived I jumped out of the truck with a cry of joy. My mood darkened at the sight of the school. I still thought this was unfair.

Seth took my hand and led the way into the school yard where wolves from my old pack still attended. We were all on alert; some of Damon's pack came here and we don't know how far they were willing to go to protect their Alpha. Wherever we went people stared, it was normal for us so we just brushed them off.

"I'll see you at lunch, okay?" Seth said happily. I nodded my head, hugged him, and entered my class.

"Oh, we have a new student," Mrs. Black – one of the teachers that had been a bitch to me in the past – squeaked. Almost instantly the rooms eyes were on me.

I sigh. "I'm not new here," I snap with an eye roll. "I've came to this crappy school my whole life."

I took my seat at the farthest corner where I could peacefully look out the window. It was pretty much the same in the rest of my classes, but sadly school wasn't done yet. There was lunch, math, and then finally P.E. Oh how I loved P.E.

The moment the lunch bell went off I ran out of the room and to the cafeteria.

At least that was what I was planning to do. That is, until my body crashed into someone and made them fall to the floor, along with my papers. I looked down to see a shy girl looking afraid. A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth, she reminded me so much of me when I was going to this school.

"I-I'm s-so sorry," she stutters weakly before she hurriedly bent down to pick up my things. I gently brushed her hands away as I organized everything. "Pl-please don't do anything to me."

She started to cry and that made my chest tighten. I didn't want her to be scared of me.

"Everything's fine.l," I laughed, bringing her into a welcoming hug. Her body went stiff under my touch but slowly relaxed.

"What's your name?" she whispered as we let each other go.

"My name is Ellie, and what's yours?"

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