Chapter 11

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    The sound of feet shuffling around awoke me, or was it talking? Ugh, I can't focus on anything! I try to pry my eyes open, but unfortunately to no avail. One thing I knew for sure was that I wasn't outside, because if I was outside then I'd be able to feel and smell nature. As weird as that sounds, it's the truth.

Strain my ears to listen harder, to focus on something, anything. I felt my heart stop as reality slapped me in the face; Bruce and I's bond has vanished. We would always feel each other in the back of our minds no matter how far apart we are, like a consciousness.

"No, he can't be," I deny to assure myself until the one word slips, "dead."

That's when I felt a hot white fire licking my insides at the thought of anything happening to Bruce. No, I couldn't believe that he was taken from me. I would die without him and he would die without me. The power of our love and bond is too strong for me to not feel his loss.

My thoughts are interrupted by hushed voices. "That thing knew where she was," a female voice sneered in distaste. "I read its collar, it said that the name is something like Bruce."

He doesn't have a collar!

Another voice joins. "He didn't have a collar," the man says skeptically. Exactly! Thank you!

The female huffs out an, "Okay fine, I actually heard it from the girl as she was sleep talking."

My eyes snap open. I knew they were talking about my Bruce because there is no other – how did the bitch put it? Oh yeah – thing by the name of Bruce.

After I take a good look around, I find that I am in an all white room; a white bed and wall. A huge mirror taking up one whole wall, surprising me at how big it was. I look around in confusion and since I didn't see anyone else in the room with me, I slowly lift myself off the white bed to walk, stumbling a little before I regain my balance.

Their voices floated back to me. "No, we had to beat him to a pulp. It took us more than a thousand to calm down that Bruce thingy. We had to use more then a ton of tranquilizer darts to stop him."

A male snorted.

"Hell and even then he was still fighting to get to her."

A snarl tore its way out of my throat. How dare they hurt my Bruce? As I looked at my reflection in the mirror it showed a young woman in a long white dress. The eighteen-year-old she wolf was changing as the anger grew inside me.

Both my green eyes and reddish golden-brown hair turned pure white, skin turning pale. I howled in the room, making the mirror break to reveal a large window where people were watching me with horror.

"Bruce!" I scream, head thrown back and arms spread wide open.

I hang my head so that it rests on my chest. The broken mirror scattered the floor and showed my figure twitching ever so slightly, my body trembling. Till I stop moving, breathing, as I heard a whimper come from behind the wall to my right. And I knew it was Bruce. These soundproof walls are useless against my hearing.

Measuring the room I had, I thankfully found that there was enough space to gain altitude in order for me to break through the cement wall. And that is exactly what I did. Once in, I search frantically for Bruce and what I saw made tears fall freely down my face and fear grip my heart.

There's a huge limp body laying down on the floor, claw marks and large gashes covering his entire form. I stumbled to him, forcing my numb legs to move. Now is not the time to be weak, because when I used to be weak, he stayed strong for me and now I have to be strong for him.

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