Chapter 8

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TWO YEARS LATER: 18 yrs old

   I stayed as quiet as I could while I jumped off of my bed and landed on my feet. I quickly looked back and forth in my room to see if anyone heard me. Quietly opened my bedroom door and tip-toed down the hallway.

"Psst, Bruce," I whisper quietly. Bruce stood still and looked around in confusion. I waved my hand like a lunatic to get his attention, and when he saw me, he gave me a wolfy grin. Motioning for him to come over, gaping as he shook his head and trotted outside.

I scoffed in disbelief and rolled my eyes at his betrayal. A creak in the floorboard behind me gave him away. As quick as lighting I turned around and tackled the person behind me.

We both fell to the floor with a loud thud. "Ellie, wow, I guess you win again," Seth huffed, his hands gripping my waist.

I smacked his chest before jumping up and running away from him. "I guess, my ass," I yelled behind me as I threw him the finger.

"Get back here," Seth laughed.

I took off. The more I ran the more he got closer to me. I giggled with excitement and pushed my legs to go faster.

Over the years of being an almost Alpha at just sixteen really changed my life a lot. Anthony and I decided that we should wait until I turned at least twenty before I took over his job. My mind had to become stronger while my body grew. I was no longer thick, but was slim yet not too skinny. I had all the right curves an eighteen-year-old needs.

But through all that time Seth and I had become close. We cared for each other. Not in the boyfriend, girlfriend type, more of the best friend type.  

I never broke my promise to my pack; we became stronger and powerful like I told them we would. I had helped Anthony become a better leader and he taught me things I would need when I officially became Alpha. I mean, I'm still Alpha, but Anthony does all the things an Alpha has to do, if that makes any sense. We have to keep me under wraps, after all.

The strength we've reached has spread out throughout all the other packs and now they fear us. The number that started off at twenty-nine is now over one hundred. Other packs ask for help every here and there which we gladly assist with.

No one knows who the Alpha is of the Shadow Blood pack and I've made sure of it. Even though Anthony is the Alpha for now, we want to keep it a secret. I am the beta and a strong one at that.

My thoughts are interrupted as a voice yelled, "Gotcha" in victory as he snaked his arms around me and lifted me into the air.

"No, no, no. Please Seth st-stop," I beg. He kept tickling me no matter how hard I fought. Tears were sliding down my face as he continued with his assult.

"Um, Beta Ronnie?" someone said. We both stopped and stayed silent as we looked up to see who it was. When business is involved people call me Beta Ronnie, but otherwise they just stick with Ell or Ellie.

"Yes, what's wrong?" I said in a serious tone. Seth helped me up from the ground.

"Alpha Anthony has required your company in his office." I nodded my head and started walking to Anthony's office with Seth and Bruce following behind me.

"Hey, tony, what's up?" I asked, taking a seat in one of his chairs. Anthony looked up from the paperwork he was working on and studied me closely.

"There's a pack not far from here that has been calling non-stop for us to help them," he stated slowl. I nodded my head to tell him I was following along. "Let's head outside, shall we?"

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