Chapter 3

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   I walk into school the next morning with my gaze down, trying to stay unnoticed. I could never quite fit in with people my age, or people in general for that matter. Even with my brothers', who are the few people who mean the world to me, aren't quite on the same page as me.

People bumped into me as they passed by and 'accidentally' tripped me. I really don't like people. 

I searched my surroundings for Sam and Alice when my eyes landed on the most popular she wolf in school. When she caught me staring at her she gave me a look of disgust. Quickly averting my eyes back to the ground, I walked faster.

"Hey Ellie, and by the way, sorry we weren't able to talk yesterday, that sucked," Sam said happily from beside me. I instantly flinched, but relaxed as I soon realized it was just him.

I grin. "Yeah no kidding, it's like I just couldn't live without you for another minute," I joke, then look around. "Where's Alice? I haven't seen her since last weekend."

"Who knows?" He shrugs. "She could be killing someone for all we know."

This guy is crazy. I hiss out a, "Sam," and then scoff with disbelief. After a couple of seconds we couldn't help but laugh as we made our way to the lockers, because, well, come to think of it, Alice was capable of doing damage to someone.

"So, what are we doing for your birthday Saturday?" Sam asked while eyeing me curiously.

I simply shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't the type of person who likes going to parties, unless they have chimichangas. Now that's a party. I haven't even had any alcohol for crying out loud. The smell makes me sick to my stomach, then again I'm used to smelling it around my house.

"We're throwing a party, of course." I groan at the sound of that excited voice. I turn around to find Alice smiling devilishly at me.

By the time Alice falls in step with us I finally have the courage to stand up to her. "Nope, I am not about to do this with you. Again," I admonish quickly.

Throughout the years, Alice decided to make my life miserable, coming up with new ideas on what to do whenever my birthday comes around, and I was determined to end this before it ruined my life. Though secretly I loved how she treats me like a sister.

She points a deadly finger at me. "Yes we are, because you know what? We need to show everyone that they can't mess with us anymore." Alice smirked at the thought.

"You mean us," Sam corrects while motioning between himself and I.

Alice frowns with pursed lips. She knew how popular she is and how Sam and I are losers.

I throw in a response to distract her from any disturbing thoughts. "No way in hell am I trying to get killed, Alice."

"Don't worry, I'll protect you," Sam said in a noble voice while he did a pose that was supposed to be something similar to a superhero.

It didn't.

I snort loudly. "Right," I drawl out. "If anything, I'd have to protect you."

I laughed with a smile tugging at the corner of my mouth.

"Don't have to worry about me protecting you, I'll let them kill you." My eyes widened at Alice's bluntness but I knew she was just joking around.

Right? I mean, she wouldn't just leave me, right? Ah, shit.

"Who would want to harm all of my sexiness?" Sam sighed.

Me and Alice both looked at each other before we burst into laughter. We're laughing so hard that by the time we're finished, tears were filling our eyes as we tried to regain our breathing.

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