Chapter 17

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    "Babe" – his lips gently brush my neck – "wake up."

"Damon, if you don't . . . . "

He cut me off as he rolled over so that he was hovering over me. His eyes shone with lust and hunger, making me shiver. I licked my lips as I inhaled Damon's scent. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I brought him closer and kissed his lips.

Sighing, I pull away and stare into his eyes. It had to be done. I had to tell him. "Damon, there's some thing's I have to tell you."

He instantly became serious, nodding, he says, "Okay, tell me."

"Firstly, we can be together. And secondly, I'm not half vampire."

Frowning, Damon tilted his head to the side in curiosity. "What do you mean? We took oaths, and how can you not be a vampire when your father is?"

"Okay, well, the ancestors came to me in a dream, telling me that our oaths were removed so that we could give each other a second chance at being mates, among other things. And about my parents? They lied to me about being half vampire because they wanted to have a powerful title. The reason why I crave blood is because my mother drank nothing else but blood throughout her pregnancy with me. Now my father is a different topic. I guess he pissed off an elder, so, she made him what he hates most in the world; a vampire."

Damon was shocked into silence. His mouth would open and close as he processed this new information, not knowing what to say. I chewed on my bottom lip, waiting for his response.

"Um . . . wow. That's something, alright. I never expected this." After a while of silence his eyes brightened. "Ellie, would you please give me a second chance to be with you as your mate?"

A sweet smile broke across my face. I kissed him. " I would love to give us a chance Damon," I said against his lips.

And I hope I'm making the right decision.

The rest of the week flew by in a blur. Actually, a lot of things happened that made me happy. My pack and I moved not too far from Alex's territory. We just moved outside of his territory and closer to the mountains and ocean, much to my brothers' complaining. But I had to explain that even though he was welcoming us back with open arms, I was still an Alpha and Alphas want their own land for their pack. Next, school was out of the way. And finally, my pack and I built the pack house including my own house.

After that I assigned night patrols to certain people to keep an eye out for any danger. In the end, the Shadow Blood pack was settled like normal. We still had to memorize every inch of our territory, since it's a normal procedure for packs that move.

Right now, we were running along the river that separated mine and the Eclipse pack's border to ensure no rogues or rabid werewolves crossed our borders. So deep in thought was I that I had not realized a she wolf was trying to catch our attention until the wolves surrounding me stopped her from coming any closer to me and our territory.

"It's fine," I assure them, moving through the many wolves until I saw a shaken girl holding herself.

"Alpha Ronnie." She bowed her head in respect before continuing. "My name is Roxanne Thimble. I'm from Alpha Damon's pack. May I speak with you alone?"

When I gave the okay my people left quickly. I studied Roxanne closely. She had a tiny body but had the right curves, ruby brown hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, glasses that were huge on her face, and most of all, her big innocent russet colored eyes. She was pretty, although I could tell that she got picked on because she was the omega.

I smiled at her. "Go on, continue."

She nervously gulped. "M-my mate rejected m-me."

And she started crying. She came to me for help because I was also rejected, everyone knew that. Guess rejected mates are rising up now.

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