Chapter Nine: Spaghetti

Start from the beginning

"You do know how to make Spaghettie right George?" Dream asked slightly concerned.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." George waved him off before freezing again not too long later. "Do I put the pasta in and then cook the mince with that or do I cook the mince first?"

Dream stared back at him with a deadpan look.

"You seriously don't— you know what, your going to burn down your apartment." Dream quickly got off the sofa, walking over towards George and standing next to him at the counter. "I'll make it with you then."

George looked at him, about to protest before deciding it was probably a good idea Dream was offering to help out.

Within the next few minutes all the ingredients were on the counter and they were both standing, sporting their 'kiss the cook' aprons, ready to make this meal.

"So, first we cook the meat, then put it aside and make the sauce then finally boil the Spaghettie and give it a quick cook all together or whatever and voila that should be how we make it." Dream said, grabbing the pack of Mince meat George had brought out, chucking some into a pot.

"We're not following a recipe?" George asked confused.

"No, why the hell would we do that?" Dream replied as if it was the dumbest idea George has ever had. "Okay so this should be enough for you right?" Dream asked, pouring in the frozen mince meat which most probably should have been defrosted before hand, glancing back up at George.

"Yeah but what about you?" He replied confused.

"George I don't eat." Dream replied. He'd really told the human nothing had he.

"That's stupid."

"Pfft, no it's not." Dream defended. "I eat nightmares not animals."

"I don't care." George replied, pouring more meat into the pan. "You're eating with me anyway."

Dream just glared at him for a moment before letting out a sigh of annoyance, grabbing a wooden stirrer thing and slowly stirring the meat. He may be a good cook, that however doesn't mean he needs to know all techniqual names. 'Stirring thing' sounded much better in his book anyway.

They stood awkwardly for a few moments, staring at the meat that wasn't going to cook any faster.

"How about we start the sauce while we wait." George helpfully suggested.

"Yup, sure, couldn't agree with you more." Dream replied, grabbing an onion and shoving it into Georges hands. "K so cut this up, and by this I mean the onion, not your fingers." He so helpfully pointed out whilst getting out a frying pan to brown the onions and some other random things Dream would decide on later.

After chopping up an onion and chucking it in the pan along eith a dash of olive oil Dream finally decided on adding some Garlic George had only ever kept in his kitchen to 'keep out the vampires' which Dream helpfully pointed out that with garlic being a natural Anticoagulant eating it would just make our blood easier to drink, but that's a fact for another day.

After that they added some stock cubes to a boiling cup of water which Dream absolutely winged the amount of before combining it all.

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