Chapter 19 - Wren

Start from the beginning

"Bait," Tala uttered the word in a low rumble that showed how he felt about it. "I will not have some other vampire touching what is mine. No one kills Wren Song but me."

Heaven forbid. Wren sank into his chair and closed his eyes, not entirely fond of how his demise would never be of his own choosing. For just a moment, Tala leaning over him with his hands lit with magic to melt off his flesh flashed through his mind, and he wiped away an uneasy bead of sweat. The man still wanted to kill him, and Wren wasn't sure why he'd allowed himself to think otherwise. It had only been a little over a year since he'd been allowed out of the dungeons.

"Tala," Neil addressed him, knowing his words bore more weight. "Wren will be behind the entire Fleur frontline, as well as among the finest grand mages the order has to offer. Luna Aurion and Kopje Cinder will be on either side of him, and I highly doubt that he'll make it past Damien. While he may be my second in command now, no one has forgotten Dark Aurion, and he hasn't forgotten his people. He will protect the mage frontlines with his life because his daughter will be by Luna's side."

"I still don't like it, but it's not my choice. Wren can make his own decisions." Tala rubbed his face, and Wren sat up as they all looked to him. Unfortunately Wren was still back on Tala giving him any sort of choice for the first time in decades. Wren supposed that with the writ, Wren was allowed his own autonomy, but for Tala to say it like that after claiming he was his was just a little uncanny.

"I want to fight," Wren croaked, his voice forgetting that it was meant to be used. It was too dry in the desert, and he reached for a cup of water and took a sip as Tala whipped daggers at him. "Whatever you mages have with your vampire allies is astonishing, and I am eager to see if such a peace will last. Back when my house was still around, I never thought this possible, and I want to be part of creating a miracle if it is."

"Thank you, Wren," Forest said, his soft blue eyes really showing his gratitude. Silvia's father was such a warm hearted man and it was something else to see him working closely with someone as vicious as Tala. While Tala might have a soft side for a few close people, his bad side was worse than any.

"Go make your plans. Wren and I have some talking to do." Tala's growl did not leave room for argument. Neil and Tide left, but Forest lingered with concern that Wren shooed away as Tala and he headed for their rooms.

Or so he thought.

At the doors to the dungeons, Tala grabbed his shoulder and stopped him. When the man pointed at the dungeon door, Wren's pallor turned pasty, and fleeing proved futile as Tala boxed him in against the door with both arms.

"N-no, Tala," Wren sputtered in terror as he looked for anyone to save him. "I won't fight if you say I can't. You don't have to–"

"Stop," Tala groaned, his head falling, and Wren had to lick his lips a few times to draw enough moisture just to keep the roof of his mouth from sticking to the rest of it. "I'm not putting you in a cell, Wren. I need to do something that isn't safe out of the reinforced anti-magic walls down there."

"Why can't it be done in the desert?" Wren quickly replied, jittery and panicking in a way he hadn't since the day Tala had dragged him out of the dungeons.

"Because I can't be weak out of the castle. Just go," Tala grabbed him by the shoulder, opened the door with the other hand, and shoved him in.

Wren almost took a tumble down the stone steps, but Vice caught him with his invisible hands. They felt more like a prison than safety from bashing his head in on the stone, and he wasn't sure this was what he'd preferred. Vice knew that and helped him down the steps with a hand in his, not really giving him a choice. At the base of the steps, Wren collapsed onto his knees and trembled so badly that he heaved and had to catch himself before he threw up his lunch.

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