Chapter 23: Talamayas (Part 2)

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Cornered like a rat, Wren had nowhere to go as Tala  dropped to a knee in front of him and licked his lips

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Cornered like a rat, Wren had nowhere to go as Tala  dropped to a knee in front of him and licked his lips. It had been so  long since he's tortured someone, and Tala would be lying if he said he  didn't enjoy the sensation as he ran a single finger down Wren's face  and seared the flesh beneath. The small animal-like whimper couldn't  stop Tala's desire to hear him scream. Lighting both his hands aflame, he thrust them onto Wren's chest, and the sweetest sound escaped the man's lip.

For  just that moment, Tala wasn't sure if he enjoyed more the ecstasy of  his own magic burning into Wren Song, or the mage's light magic surging  up through him to fight back. The pain was excruciating as the light  magic cut through him in chains that took away his control, and yet  within the power, Tala could feel Wren–fear, anger, despair, all  wrapped into his magic as he tried to protect himself. It was  unfiltered, beyond the walls that Wren put up, and even though Wren was  weak, Tala had no desire to fight him.

Though  Tala had no control of his body, he could see Wren, kneeling in front of  him with just about the same amount of repulsion to this entire  scenario as Tala had. Neither of them wanted to fight each other but  seemed to be unable to communicate unless someone was bleeding. Black  oozed down Tala's face as his body rejected Wren's light magic and the  shadow of tears lingered in Wren's eyes as he sank in on himself. With  Wren's crumbling form, the magic crawled back and released Tala.

If  Tala had it in him, he would have stopped then, left Wren be, but Tala  was so weak that he fell on him. He crushed Wren to the ground with his  weight, and Tala couldn't even say he was unhappy. This was pleasant,  just being close, even if he was suffocating Wren. Tala groaned and at  least moved his full body weight off Wren, but he refused to let him  escape. Wren tried, that was sure, but Tala managed to grab him with his  fingers on the sides of Wren's face. The near shriek was so  entertaining Tala would have laughed, but he hadn't the energy but to  stuff the man into his chest and lock him there.

"Don't leave again," Tala whispered into Wren's hair, his consciousness threatening to do just that. "Please."  Tala wasn't above begging, and tears lined his eyes that he kept Wren  from seeing by stuffing his face into his neck. "I need you. I won't  hurt you. Please, Wren. Stay with me." Tala mumbled most of the end as  his vision blackened and his head thumped one last time on the floor.  Just the little blood he'd taken from Wren had not been enough. Tala was  weak from the events passed, his departure from the man who made him  whole, and somehow fighting to keep Wren by hurting and scaring the  living shit out of him again.

Some guy he was.

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Sun's Shadow (Dusk Series - Book 3.5 Standalone - MxM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora