Chapter 10 - Talamayas (Part 1)

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Hey Tala, I know it's been a while, but I need some help and I was hoping maybe you still remembered your promise to me? I sent Silvia Copse to speak with you, and she was quite frightened, so please treat her with care

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Hey Tala, I know it's been a while, but I need some help and I was hoping maybe you still remembered your promise to me? I sent Silvia Copse to speak with you, and she was quite frightened, so please treat her with care. I really like her.

I know she's a mage, but she's not really all that powerful. What she lacks for in power, she makes up for with her heart. After so many years stuck with my father, I'm not what I think you'd hoped I'd become. I get angry a lot and frustrated with people easily, but with Silvia around, I've been able to cry and remember where it all started.

I want to be strong and kind like she is, like you are, and in order to lay my violent past to rest, I need your help. If you would be willing to help me, I want to take down Angelus, to finally remove the last traces of my father from everyone's lives.

Silvia doesn't know much about my past with you, so she has been pretending to be my blood slave and property. Let her know she is safe with you and that she doesn't have to pretend there. I've put her through hell, and she could use a break.

Thank you for always being there for me.

When this is all over, let's catch up.

Neil Arc

Tala crumpled the paper in anguish as he looked at the woman sleeping in front of him, her breathing finally calm as she rested. Neil hadn't said it directly because he probably was afraid to even write it down, but he loved her. This was the woman who had taken the shattered pieces of Neil's heart and put them back together after Vincent. It was no wonder Neil hadn't come to him after his father's passing. This woman had stolen all of his attention.

What a failure Tala was as a living being.

Neil had entrusted her to him, believed that he wouldn't harm her, and look at how far that had gotten him. Let her know she is safe. It had been a while, but Tala cried, bitter tears dripping through his fingers as he was unable to undo what his anger had wrought. All those years of telling Neil that he didn't have to lose his heart to Vincent, and Tala himself was the one who'd let Vincent take hold and control him.

A hand touched his arm, and he expected it to be Vice, but instead it thrummed with dim light energy. Unable to move at first, Tala stared into his fingers as it retreated but lingered just inches from his skin. Tala turned to find Wren Song standing warily at his side. What had possessed the man to come near him, to touch him, when so many years ago his own touch had revolted him?

"Please," Tala said to him, and Wren's grey eyes sharpened on him as he tried to figure out what he wanted. Shakily, Tala reached out a hand, and Wren watched it like it was clawed and moving for his throat, but he didn't pull away as Tala pulled him in.

Sun's Shadow (Dusk Series - Book 3.5 Standalone - MxM)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن