A Little Fall Of Rain

533 17 1

Shadows point of view


I HAD JUST KISSED SONIC AND HE BOLTED ON ME.... running into the rain as if it could cleanse him of my impurities and flaws.

I struggle to breathe as I stand there in the rain feeling every last drop soak me to the bone.

I pull an my emerald out of my quills and whisper a silent Chaos Control and I'm home.

Amongst the rubble and broken robot parts, I walk through a ripped up curtain that makes for a sorry excuse for a door.

Leaping on my bed, I smash my face into the pillow and do something I haven't done in almost 10 years.

I cry....


There's a light the awakens me and I scowl at the radiation that is projected from the bloody thing.

"Fucking hell..." I hiss under my breath.

A loud crash catches my attention and sit up instantly grabbing one of my guns off the near by table.

Holding it close to my chest I carefully stalk toward the noise in hope that I will not be one of Eggman's robots.

I slide past the curtain and walk silently through the underbrush of wires; getting shocked by an open source.

"Fuck--" I twitch my ear and soon find the noise getting louder.

I ready myself and rollout out into the opening shooting the criminal in the knee only to drop my gun and realize how stupid I am.

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