Final Chapter

331 13 3

Tails point of view

Shadow took of with Sonic in his arms, taking off at the speed of sound into the woods. I smile to myself and grab Knuckles hand, running my thumb across his.

"Tails, can we talk?" I look away from our connection and into violet eyes.

"What is it?" I smile.

He pulls me slightly away Scrouge's building and places a gentle kiss on my nose. I blush and pull myself into his chest, snuggling into his arms.

"Tails, if we're gonna be together then I wanna lay some rules down. A lot of people will judge us, not because of the homosexuality, but because of our age difference. " He rubs my ear and I stare at a patch of grass in front of us.

From as long as I could remember Knuckles would rub my ears to make me feel better, but at this very moment it wasn't happening... I was getting depressed. Our age difference wasn't that big it was only ten years, he was 26 and I 16, but that shouldn't be a problem. Should it?

"We can hide our relationship until you hit 17, but that's not for another 5 months. We could also wait till then?" Shaking my head I snarl.

"I have waited for you. I got you. I'm not letting you go." Tears fell and I try to blink them away, but he caught my chin in his fingers.

Our eyes met once agin I was lost in those orbs and stared longingly in them. He pulled me close to his chest and snuggled my neck leaving little pecks on jaw line. I close my eyes and intertwine my fingers in his hair; purring into his chest.

I open my eyes as he pulls away and butterfly kisses litter my cheek, forehead and nose; I never remember him being so affectionate.

"Tails, now for the actual rules. 1. No sex."

"WHAT?!" I screamed and his hand covers my mouth.

I scream eternally and clench my fingers into fist. No sex? That's like asking me to quit being an inventor... it's what I do... okay, maybe it's not like that, but I really wanted him to be my first!

I take a deep breath and he moves his hand away from my mouth.

"You okay?(I nod)Good. No sex because the age, on your 17th we can screw up a storm and I can show you many things, but for now... make outs and possibly a little bit more. Sounds okay? ( nodding one more time and a blush flowers over my face) 2. When I say something you listen, no ands, ifs, or buts... I don't want you to get hurt. Finally, 3 DON'T TELL ANYBODY! NOT EVEN SONIC.. okay Sonic can know, but that's it!"

I smile and hug him tightly as he shakes his head. I wanted a relationship with him and I got one, now trying to keep secert that I love him will be... challenging no doubt, but love finds a way.

I keep hugging him until something pops up in my mind.

"What do you mean by a possibly a little more?" I might be prying, but I want everything and more with him.

"You'll just have to be a good fox and you'll find out."

His breath ghost over my ear and I chuckle at the new sensation. Staring into the red sky I frown and lift my hand to look at my watch.

It's red ....?

"Knuckles the sky seems-"


"Yes... ve- what's that?"

We stand next to each other as the sky seems to open and a light almost as powerful as the sun seems drop threw a whole.

"We need to find Sonic, and fast."

Running forward I jumped up and began to fly; Knuckles gliding after me.

I almost wonder how annoyed Sonic and Shadow are going to be when we interrupt them in the middle of whatever for this?!

"They're over here!" Knuckles calls to me.

I quickly hurry down and stop when Knuckles arms wrap around me. The air smell faintly of sulfur and burnt hair, my eye sting from the sudden rise of temperature.

I blink getting my eyes to stop burning. Gaping up at Sonic and Shadow, Sonic sitting on the ground behind Shadow; who is standing in a fight stance.

I can barely make out a hedgehog standing before them. Knuckles growls and forces me into a bush, but I fight just a little bit to see if I know him... I don't.

Shadow's voice his like a whip in the silence as he demands the other animals name, but nothing but a horrible grin is given and a finger pointing to the sky.

Chills runs down my spine and I get the weird feeling that this may be... The End.

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