The Beginning of The Adventure

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Shadow's point of view

We start on the adventure, the woods are full of creatures and I can't  help, but wonder if someone as little as Tails will be able to protect himself; it's strange seeing him in his works.

Knuckles has been asking me questions about how we're going to find him and what's the plan... I don't know the plan or anything right now.  I know we have to meet up with Metal Sonic, but I know that he said that he would find us not the other way around so, really I'm walking in circles. 

"Shadow, why are we going in circles?"

Knuckles punches my arm and glares at me. I try to explain something that would sound logical, but I can't and it only makes me sound unethical and quite stupid. Tails shakes his head and looks at the weapons around my belt.

"Are you going to start mass genocide?" For a 16 year old fox, he is quite the asshole.

I explain that were up against  Scrouge and before I even finish speaking Knuckles is dragging Tails out of the woods. I thought they were going to help me! Now, I'm doing this on my own?

"Knuckles!? Where do you think you guys are going?" I bark at them.

Tails is struggling to get out of his grasp. I almost give a queer glance to the red echidna, but I settle for a glare.

"I'm not going anywhere. Tails is going home. I won't have the accident happen again." I blink.

I never seen Knuckles look so concerned in my life, but I've also never seen Tails fight against anyone older than him; especially Sonic or Knuckles. He lets go of the fox's hand and the kid falls to the ground where Knuckles tosses him over his shoulder. Tails is banging his hands off of his back and yelling at him to let him go.

"What accident?" I ask.

Knuckles stops and turns to face me. Tails still doesn't stop from trying to escape and I admire his determination and strength. I watch his violet eyes for a moment and he sighs.

"Alright," Tails stops fidgeting and freezes with what I guess it fear. 

"Knux don't tell him please!" Tails whimpers.

"It happened about 2 years before you came. Sonic was attempting to dump Scrouge and Dr. Eggman was keeping us in his base.  It was because Eggman didn't want us to see Sonic become so vulnerable and he didn't want us to lose respect for our hero. Tails was outside picking flowers or something fagget's do-"

Tails bit Knuckles and the echidna dropped the fox. I looked at the little yellow fox with tears in his eyes, the blue colour was now a dull grey. He couldn't  talk or even glance at us; he stared down at the grass.

"You said-"

"I lie. Rouge is far too busy to keep up my needs. I'm not a fag like you."

"I HATE YOU!" There was a spin of wind and the fox was gone.

If Knuckles could see his face then he would have realized that those three words hurt him more than anything. I blink and shake my head, opening my mouth I quickly close.

"Tails was out side building some form of contraption to alert us if someone was on the premises-"

"WAIT! Why did you say something harsh like that then correct yourself in front of me? What the fuck!?"

"Shut up, okay! I said those things so Tails would fly home and stay there safe out of that assholes reach. Scrouge is a  monster and I will kill him the next time he hurts Tails and if I can avoid getting Tails from getting hurt I will. I will do everything I can to protect the one I love. You love Sonic don't you? I can tell Scrouge just doesn't kidnap Sonic for the hell of it you know. It when Sonic is with someone, he gets jealous and gets violent."

I stare at the red echidna, it's true that I would do anything to protect Sonic. I'm going as far as throwing myself into unknown danger, but I don't think I could live with myself if I ever made Sonic even think once that I was using him for sex, I think I would rather shave my eyes with a rusty razor than that, but it did get Tails to leave.

"Alright, the accident."

"Tails was outside building some for of contraption to alert us if someone was on the premises and well it alerted us. I told Tails to stay inside  and watch the girls. I went out there and standing there was Scrouge holding a bleeding Sonic, he just tossed Sonic's body to the ground and started to laugh. I attacked him and out one good punch on his face and stomach, but then he got the upper hand when I start fighting on emotion. Tails must have saw this on the TV on the inside because he came running out. He started to defend me, but... Tails got distracted when I got stabbed in the arm and charged Scrouge head on... it was all my fault... Tails... he... he... Scrouge was getting his ass kicked by Tails pretty badly, but then he pulled his pocket knife and he... tired to cut one of Tails' tails. I got in the way on one of Tails attacks and that's how he grabbed it. I punched Scrouge in the throat, but the damage was done. Tails was in so much pain, after that for the next 9 months. I... I never hated myself more."

I couldn't believe someone would go as far as trying to take away a body part from a 14 year old kid. I felt my mouth go dry and I pulled Knuckles in for a hug. Pulling him back I looked him dead in the eyes and I said something that would fit me better than any inspirational quote.

"Let's kill that son of a bitch."

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