We're Free / Tails Part 2 /

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Sonic's point of view

I stood in the middle of the room woth caution; wouldn't be the first time he has lied to me...

He doesn't move from the bed, his face is barried in his hands; sobbing genlty to himself. I may have been hurt by him, but he'll always be my first love.

His blue eyes stare into mine with indescribable sadness, my heart yarns to comfort him, but I can't... this is too familiar to how I fell for him the first time.

"You're not leaving... why?"

I hear my mind screaming to run, to find the Doctor and get out of here, but I just want to help him. I'm not sure how I can save him, but I can and I will... some how.

"Because I want to help you. Please, let me help you."

He watches me, tears roll down his muzzle and I reach out to wipe them with my thumb. He doesn't snarl at me or push me away, he snuggled my hand and kisses my palm.

"Sonic, have I ever told you why I loved you?"

I think back to all of our time together, there was never a romantic moment or even a moment where I wanted to be with him alone... never.

"Between hitting me and forcing yourself on me?" I bite, but cringe when he winced.

"Please, let me tell you now. I know nothing could change your feels for me, but please... let me tell you anyways."

I stared into his eyes and gave a smile.


Memory from Scrouge's point of veiw

"It was the first time you saved Sally from me. I heard so many wonderful rumours about you, that you were the fastest thing alive, that you were the bluest fur... some people said you were a god.

You broke down the door and strolled in, there was a fire in your eyes that sent chills down my body. I wasn't scared though, I was enticed by your beauty.

You easily took me down and with the most stunning emerald eyes you stood over me, glaring me down, but then you smiled and reached out for my hand.

I didn't understand except you had apparently knocked me unconscious and brought me back to your home, nursed me better.

Just having someone to take care of me, listen to me... you had made me believe that there was more to me than a villain. I knew I loved you from that moment on

Out of memory Sonic's point of view

I found myself laying on Scrouge's chest. I had completely forgotten about that month he stayed with me, when I found out I cared about him too.

A sad smile graced his face. He ran his fingers through my quills, but this feeling of being held didn't make me love him more, but made me remember Shadow...

The way he held me, the disappointment in his voice when he asked if he would be my first... my first... he's the first to show me compassion.

"Yes. I will take you somewhere romantic, like a hillside overlooking the ocean as the sun goes down. You and I can run for hours and if you want to stop we'll make chillidogs and share them. How does that sound?"



Tails point of view


My eye's widened when Knuckles emerged from a bush. Fist clenched and wet eyes; was he crying? My heart broke at the thought of that.

I wanted to reach out and hold him, but I know that now more then ever I need to hold my ground.

"Knuckles what are you-?"

"Tails, you kissed him. Why?"

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move, my limbs felt useless and cold. My body wanted to crash and fall apart, my brain wanted to explain how it was my fault for kissing the Chamilion, but my heart was winning this battle. I wanted to punch him, kick him, make him feel all the pain he had putme through, yet I couldn't bring myself to do it; I love him so much.

"Why do you care?" I bark.

"You only used me for or... well tried to-"

"Tails, I said those things to make you leave. Scrouge will hurt you... you know that and I know that. Please understand that I want to be with you and I will do anything for you."

Espio looks me in the eyes and smiles. I shake my head feeling little more than stupid about this whole thing, but I know this will make us stronger.

Violet eyes meet my blue ones and the world melts away. I run to him and bury my forehead into his neck fearing for him to let me go.

"I love you Knuckles." I mutter into the nape of his neck.

"I love you too Miles."

"That's cute. Now, if you don't mind-" Shadow's voice comes in harsher than it seems he would mean it too.

"We have a blue hedgie to find, MY lover to be exact and I want to have one of those moments with him. Metal Sonic just gave me the location, we're not that fair away.... Knuckles and I were headed in the wrong direction. Just a half an hour till we're there and that's me running..." He gushes and rubs the back of his head.

"I would use Chaos Control, but I'm way to tired."

I know and glance to the ninja, he frowns, but pulls out another emerald.

"If we use mind and yours together a portal should appear and take you to Sonic."

Shadow seems speechless and for once it seems abnormal.

No time is wasted and a portal appears. I'm ready to face whatever dangers may lay ahead because I have what I want.

I squeeze Knuckles hand and we walk cautiously toward the portal.

Shadow the first to jump in, then Knuckles, last me... and I've never been more ready to fight in my life.

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