You Are Never Alone.

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Dr. Eggman's point of view

I feel disgusting, my mouth is dry and my throat is raw. I'm horrified for Sonic, he was taken and Scrouge will be administering the needle that I stupidly made.

I am the reason that Sonic had been dragged out of the cell and now... Gods can only imagine what he is doing to him.

I begin to pace the cell and I feel compelled to charge at the bars demanding Sonic be brought back to the semi-safety of these confinements.

I was working on a way to make a man pregnant and capable of birthing a child because... who would want to be with me? So, I made it for myself... Scrouge is using an incomplete elixir.

The affects of the liquid are hardly unknown and it could be lethal. I had only ever tested it sperm samples... now... Gods.

I look around the cell trying to find a safeguard where the place could be easily broken. I touch the bars and a pulse of electricity snips at my fingers.

"Asshole." I mutter and slink myself down the far wall.

"Could this get any worse?"

Scrouge could be raping Sonic and it's all YOUR fault because Scrouge wants a baby.

Thanks... I really needed my self-esteem to be crushed even more.

No problem!

I feel sometimes that my mind is against me and I'm slowly losing my mind in a haste to forget some tragic back story.

I chuckle. That would be great... if this was all just some plot to some werid girl fantasy story and WE never existed.

I hear a sneeze and I'm drawn out of my thoughts.

"WHO'S THERE?" I bark.

"I'm-m s-s-sorry. I w-was sent-t to bring-bring you f-food." The voice was wavering and sounded female.

I blink when a brown haired woman steps somewhat into the light; I can't see predominant features. She stands quite short and is wearing what looks to be a nurse's outfit. She seems to be using heels to make her appear taller, but it's not doing mich for her.

She's nervous and I feel bad for having had attacked her like that, but in a place such as this and being a prisoner... you become very on edge.

She steps more toward my cage and I raise my eyebrow; wondering if she is testing her boundaries like I'm some mad animal.

The only animal in this cell would be Sonic, but he's not here... he's going to be getting taken and I hope who ever is our rescuer would have the common sense to find the blue hedgehog first.

"I-I-I'm sor-sorry for scaring y-you-"

"Could you stop being so nervous? I'm not going to hurt you. Come here inside and I will prove I'm no harm."

Her eye's shine and they're almost the colour of the ocean, but I soon flinch and close my eye's when I see all of her come into the light.

She looked as if she had been dragged out of a horror movie. There was cuts and bruises littering her ivory skin, it was mostly her wrist that killed me. Her eye's had shone, but they weren't her's one was much larger than the other and the other seemed to be a more normal size, but there was darken circles underneath it.

She didn't smile and I tried to grace her with one. I'm no Casanova, but she looks like she need medical help. I wanted to reach out and hold her hand let her know that she was okay, but she began to unlock the cell.

She was skinny and short. I could have knocked her down and bolted out of the cage and ran around looking for Sonic, but I'm no hero and it must have taken a lot of will power to trust someone like me.

She placed the plate of food in front of me and I blink when I see it's cold pizza. I guess for someone like Scrouge moldy bread and stale water wasn't his thing... or really shouldn't be anyone's thing.

"I-I guess-guessed you would l-like th-this instead of what they had picked." She gave me a small smile.

I watched her as she began to play with the floor. I noticed she hadn't locked the cell door and I start to plan, but her soft stutter breaks my thoughts and whatever heart I had left.

"I-I wan-want to help. I-I want to see the world and b-be far away from him." She was shaking weather from rage or from fear I couldn't tell.

I crawled over to her and pulled her against me. Something inside me snapped and I knew what I needed to do.

She snuggled my chest and I felt better than I have for a whole while...

"What is your name?"

Her face seems to focus harshly for a moment and all she can do is shake her head in a bit of saying no.

"What should we call you?"

This time I receive a funny look and her shrugging her shoulders.

"Elizabeth... how does that sound?"

She gives me a promising smile and her arms swing around my neck for a hug. It's going to be werid having another human living with me, but she needs me......

Maybe I may need her too.

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