Dr. Eggman To The Rescue!

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Eggman's point of view

I'm not one for helping any of Sonic's friends, but as Shadow laid Sonic on the metal table in my office and explained the bullet wound I couldn't have said no... could I?

Well, I did and so no I'm stuck here fixing his bloody leg caused by another lover; at least Shadow had the audacity to bring Sonic here and actually care about him.

I just finish the last stitch and give a gentle sigh as I look at the sleeping blue hedgehog.

Sonic and I have been through a lot of things together and yes we hate each other, but I feel that I should be the only one to hurt him; not his lover's.

"Doctor, how is he?" Shadow's voice wavers.

I can't help, but feel sorry for the lonely black hedgehog; after all the morbid thoughts and the suicidal feel that is Shadow. I can't help it.

"He'll be just fine Shadow. Don't worry your striped head. It's not you did this intentionally like someone else I know." I snarl.

Every person who knows Scrouge and what he put Sonic through hates him. Just thinking about him makes me want to gag.

"Can you tell me what you know about Scrouge? He seems to have hurt Sonic pretty bad. I just want to know if there is something I can do to make it right."

I walk over to the sink and wash my hands, I look at Shadow through the corner of my eye and nod.

"You can do exactly what you're doing right now. You can be there for Sonic and love him and such. Talk to Tails about Scrouge, I only know that he would beat Sonic when he didn't get what he wanted and he raped him."

I could see the hatred flow through his eyes and gave off a darken aura.

I stared at him in disbelief as he whispered something along the lines of "I'm going to kill him."

I sigh.

"I'm going to see Tails. Keep an eye on Sonic would you?"

Before I could answer the black hedgehog was gone in a flash and I had to blink a few times to see straight.

I walked back over to Sonic who was sound asleep; with the help of sedatives.

"You are only troublesome hedgehog."

"Yes, he is."

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