Wish You Were Sober

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Wish You Were Sober

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aged up!
no, this doesn't include
smut! louis is a minor.
respect him!


YOU'VE BEEN FRIENDS with Louis for the longest time and well, it's just impossible not to catch feelings for him. Countless of girls are crushing over him since forever!

You couldn't tell him how you feel. You would never! You didn't want to lose the only person who understood you. You couldn't risk it. Never.

Tonight, you two were invited in a party and he was never one to drink, but gurl, he went missing for a couple of minutes.

You found him drunk as a skunk.

"Louis! What the hell? How many shots did you take?", you asked.

He giggled and let out a hiccup, blinking like a baby. "I don't know- a million?", he slurred and laughed.

"Okay," you breathed out. "Definitely a lot."

"Huh?", he hummed and with that, he stepped back only to trip and fall on his back.

"What the- get up!", you exclaimed. He giggled and cooed. You then stepped forward and used your full strength to help him get to his feet.

Once you did, he swayed side to side. You rolled your eyes, groaning and pulling him to your arms.

"You smell like candies," he mumbled.

"Belt up. We're going home."

"No! Stay!" Louis whined.

"Will you please stop making this hard for me? You're drunk for goodness sake!" you whisper-yelled. His only response was a chuckle and a, "Hello there!"

You groaned and rolled your eyes, dragging him out of the house. "What's your name?", he asked.

"I'm Y/N! Is this really what alcohol does?"

"You're very pretty," he hiccuped. You frowned and turned to him. "What?", you asked.

"You're very-", he hiccuped once again. "Pretty. Oh look! Your eyes are e/c. I always liked girls with e/c eyes."

Your heart stopped, flattered by the words that had just escaped his lips. "Shut up."

"I'm sorry. I don't know what shut up means." Louis slurred again.

"You're drunk."

"But is that okay?" You ignored him as he continued to mumble things.

"Are you my girlfriend?" he asked.

"No! What? Ew!" You exclaimed and looked down, "I mean you're the only tolerable person here, so you might have a chance, I guess." You muttered under your breath.

"What?! That's so unfortunate! You're so pretty and kind and smart and pretty and kind and cute and smart. Oh and, did I say you're cute?"

You can't with him right now. Even though you're so close to doing something you know you'd regret, you know you can't. It isn't called a risk for no reason.

"Can you be my girlfriend?" He blurted out. Okay, you've had enough. You grabbed his collar and turned to him.

"Knock it off, Louis! I'm just your best friend and you're drunk! Your breath says it all! It's fucking horrible!" you yelled.

He stared at your eyes then down to your lips. He wasn't taking this sudden outburst seriously.

Louis giggled and leaned in. The next thing you knew was that his lips were on yours.

Holy shit! He's kissing you!

Melting like butter, you also recalled his current circumstances that made you push him away from you.

"Stop doing this to me! I like you, but I can't take advantage of you!" You said and grabbed his hand, dragging him back to your house just a few blocks away, as if you've forgotten what just happened.

You didn't. You just kept it hidden and bottled up, wishing he was sober.

but, plot twist: he was sober the whole time.

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