Bloodstained Past

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As I walk through the doorway of the Cullen house, I'm greeted with an open concept layout that has a divided living room. Commit the beautiful scene to memory, including the graduation caps that are in a picture frame on the stair wall. 

"Esme designed the house before we moved back." Copper speaks, making me whip my head to the left to glare at him.

 "Stay out of my head, Copper," I warn him before turning to a woman that is standing next to Carlisle, and smile warmly at her, "Your place of residence is absolutely wonderful, Mrs. Cullen."

Her face goes from a content smile to a wide eye sparkle of adornment while Carlisle wraps an arm around her waist and kisses the crown of her head. "Thank you, Alex." She responds softly, and I'm sure if she could she would be blushing.

I close my eyes and smile at her, "No need for thanks, for I'm the one who should to even step foot in here in fear of making it filthy."

Opening my eyes, I turn my head a little to the left to see the honey blonde male stare at me with a confused and... worried face? Next to him the bear like man just stands there with his arms crossed and chest puffed out, while the blonde female stands just behind him with a stern look on her face just begging me to do something wrong.

"You are not the only one with a bloodstained past."

My head snaps to Carlisle when he mentioned the word past. Gods, I hate that word. "I just wish I could have done more for my squad instead of just standing around." I mutter out, thoughts now going towards that day.

"You aren't there, Alex. Snap out of it." Copper speaks as he places a hand on my shoulder to get me out of my head , only for me to grab and break his outstretched arm.

We both yelp out in shock of what I just did.

"I'm so, so, so, sorry Copper!! I don't normally do that to people, mostly cause I hear their heartbeat..." I ramble off in apologies as I carefully pop it back together so it could heal. "Make sure you go hunting tonight to get your strength back."

He numbly stares at me as all of this happens to fast for Bella to see. "What just happened?"

"She broke Edward's arm, then just snaps it back together like she's done it a billion times." the bear like man responds with clear excitement in his tone and eyes.

"It's not something to be proud of Bear!!" I call out as soon as I saw the twinkle, "You try having PTSD in a room full of humans just standing there, unaware of the danger they are in by just breathing in a small breath! I've nearly killed my General countless times in such a short amount of time!"

"That takes a lot of control, You sure ya didn't get one?" He asks with a smirk.

Practically seeing red, I charge straight at the muscled man, only for the someone to appear behind me and place his arms under and over mine and interlock his fingers. Effectively keeping me from hitting him, and running anywhere. I growl at the man holding me as I thrash around, hoping to loosen his grip somehow. Only to be dragged out a door that lead us to the woods.

A sense of calm came over me as the male spoke, "Calm down sweetheart. Emmet just enjoys picking fights, so ignore him."

"He was practically saying I should have killed my General though!!" I shout at him as I thrash around some more, even though the random calmness slowly brought me out of... that.

"I understand that darlin', but he wanted this reaction to happen just so he could throw some punches."

Letting the feeling of calmness, calm me down, the man slowly loosens his grasp enough for me to see the bit marks littering his arms. "What happened?" I whisper out as I  lightly trace one with a feather light touch, only for him to flinch away from my hand.

"You aren't the only one with a bloodstained past." was all he said before completely releasing me.


Sorry its short**

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