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     Fitz stared at the couple from across the yard. Biana was right.

            Biana watched Keefe leave in a hurry with a goofy smile on his face.

              "Hey Fitz?" Biana called to Fitz from across her pink room to where he stood in the doorway on his iphone.

        "Mhm," Fitz mumbled slightly turning his attention to his little sister with a worried look on his face.

         "Can you do me a favor and follow Keefe to wherever he was going," Biana asked giving him her puppy dog face, which she knew he couldn't resist.

      "Ugh," Fitz sighed trying to ignore her, but failing at it. "Fine, but you owe me." 

      "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Biana squealed hugging Fitz as hard as she could. Biana was thankful that her brother would do that. She was still worried at where Keefe was going, he like her right?

      "Yeah, yeah," Fitz mumbled pushing Biana away and making his way to follow Keefe. He knew Keefe for a while now, but not once it seemed like he was having a good time. As he was in his thoughts her followed Keefe to a random house with lots of animals in the back.

     "What is he doing here?" Fitz thought to himself as he hid behind a bush. As he was listening he heard a feminine voice. Fitz was getting nervous. Is her cheating on Biana, he thought that Keefe liked Biana. He was the one to ask her out in the first place.

     As he kept on watching he knew what hat to be done. As he left he started to plan on how to get Keefe back to Biana. He was going to confront him when he got an amazing idea. (well to him). He would hire some agents to look up every embarrassing secret about the girl, and tell them to Keefe so they would break up. He smiled evilly.

    "Hello? Yes this is Fitz Vacker. Yes please and give me the file, thanks," Fitz called the hacker. His plan was in motion, and then his sister would trust him and be eternally thankful when they breakup. *MUAHAHAHAH* He laughed evilly.  This was getting to good. 

         He gave specific orders to the hacker to not look at the file, for some reason he thought that there would be something important inside. The hacker told him that the file he would make would be ready in a couple of hours. Now all he had to do was wait. And take selfies to post on his instagram.

                                             A couple hundred selfies later

  Fitz was pleased with himself, he got really good selfies and more followers on his instgram. He smirked of course, he was perfect, as perfect as perfect can be (Throws up) . He was about to take some more, when he heard a ding come from his iPhone. Fitz got excited, he was finally going to get the dirt on this Sophie Elizabeth Foster-Ruwen. 

     He opened the file quickly after paying the guy. He started to scroll. Hmm her parents and sister died. Nah he couldn't use that. She was top of her class for all of Elementary school, meh that was too boring. When got to one file, he dropped his iPhone. Sophie Elizabeth Foster-Ruwen was the Moonlark.

   Who's heart dropped when you ready that. lOl mines did. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I'm gong to be updating this story about every week at this time. Remember I'm always open to suggestions! Until  next time, stay strong, stay safe!

-Anna 😈💋👌🏻

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