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         "Foster," Keefe announced as he put Sophie's loose hair around her ear. Sophie noticed that his teasing smirk he usually work wasn't on his face. His face was super serious, she has never seen him like this before "Will you be my girlfriend?"

        "YES YES A MILLION TIMES YES!" Sophie screamed as she put her arms around Keefe's neck and engulfed him in a rib-crushing hug. 

     "I was starting to think you'd never ask." Sophie breathed staring at Keefe's ice blue eyes, which was full of happiness. Sophie had loved seeing peolpe with happiness in their eyes, but looking at Keefe right now, she realized just how lucky she was.

        Sophie and Keefe were talking a walk in Havenfields pastures. He didn't ask Sophie until they reached the spot where they would always play as kids. The reason Keefe didn't ask earlier was because he had to get permission from Grady and Edaline. Keefe shuddered at that thought, it wasn't the best experience.

    Keefe walked up to the door at Havenfield, where he has been going ever since he was a kid. He knew this place by heart. He tried to wipe all his nervousness away before he knocked at the door. He knew that Sophie's dad never really liked him, and he was afriad to face him, but he had to. For Sophie.  

     And that was the thought that went through his head throughout the entire time. He knocked at the door.

     "Coming!" He heard Edaline yell. For Sophie. 

    The door unlocked and Edaline's face popped out. For Sophie. At first she looked surprised, then shocked, then really happy.

    "Keefe! Welcome! Come in!" Edaline said with a sappy smile letting him come in. For Sophie

   "Hi Mrs. Ruwen," Keefe said sheepishly as he shuffled into the house. Iggy noticing the new person ran up to Keefe recognizing him and licking his face. "Hey buddy, nice to see you too!"

    Once Keefe got Iggy off of him he tried to look as presentable as possible. He did his research, today was father's day, and every year on this day Grady and Sophie would go to their favorite restaurant. Sweet treats and eat lunch their as a daddy-daughter date. Of course knowing how much his father "loved him" he had nothing to do, and he took advantage of Grady not being their, to ask for permission.

    Ever since the day of the kiss, him and Sophie had been hanging out more and more. He could tell that Sophie really liked him, well and he really liked her. Ever since they were kids. So today would be a night to remember.

       "Well ask me what you came to ask," Edaline asked with a smug look on her face.

    "H-how did you know?" Keefe responded all of a sudden nervous, usually he was one step ahead of everyone. 

    "Mother's intuition," Edaline replied waiting for Keefe to ask the question, Keefe was like a son to  her, and after Keefe coming over for a while now, she knew what he was here for, and especially since Grady wasn't here.

    "I would like your permission to date your daughter," Keefe said really fast wanting to get it over with. For Sophie. He liked Sophie a lot, no not liked love. He loved Sophie.

   "Of course! You're already like a son to me!" Edaline squealed as she have Keefe a hug. She was really happy, and she knew Sophie would be really happy. Sophie was getting really stressed with her homework and her new album, and sometimes there would be sleepless nights for her. But Edaline knew that whenever Keefe came over her eyes would light up and she would become really happy.

   Keefe and Sophie were lying down on the trunk of the tree. After a while he could hear Sophie's breath slow down and her head laying on his shoulder. And at that moment everything was perfect. 

  Until it wasn't. Little did he know that someone was watching was watching the, from the bushes the entire time.

  Haii! I hope you liked the chapter! I hope you liked the Sokeefe fluffiness this chapter contained. Thanks for staying with me for my very unusual writing schedule. Please give ,e suggestions on what to do next! Or who you think was in the bushes. 😈 Until next time! Stay strong, stay safe!

-Anna 😈💋👌🏻

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