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  "Thank you," Sophie admitted as she hugged him. She didn't know why he was doing this.

   "Why are you doing this?" Sophie asked letting go so she could look at him in the eyes.

  "Well I was going to talk about doing a music video with you, when I saw you running away," Liam admitted sheepishly. "I know we haven't meet before, and I know you have millions of people chasing you, but I promise you I'm different." He hugged her and started walking away when Sophie grabbed his hand.

   "Yes, I will go out with you," the Moonlark announced as she kissed his cheek. "Thank you for everything." Sophie ran away before he could answer. Leaving the poor Liam (somewhat) starstruck.

   "Ahhh!! I have a boyfriend!" Sophie squealed to Linh as she reached the snack stand.

   "OMG really! The day as finally came! Time to announce it to everyone!!" Linh squealed even louder, before Tam shut her up.

   "Um Linh, I'm pretty sure we're trying to keep everything quiet since yeah." Sophie sheepishly admitted.

   "Wait, you never told me who he was," Linh realized. "Well who is he?!"

   "Wellhejustmightbeliammaxwellyouknowthefamousguitarplayerguyanyhooi'llyouthestorylaterweshouldprobalyleave," Sophie said in one long breath.

  "Wait your dating LIAM MAXWEL?!" Linh exclaimed hugging Sophie as hard as she could. "Wait, now that I realize it you probably shouldn't tell Grady." Linh was so surprised that Sophie has a boyfriend to notice that Tam left.

   "Well I need to go check on Liam, I just realized that I left him out of nowhere, meet me at the car in about twenty minutes." Sophie told Linh as she ran off to find Liam.

  Sophie looked everywhere only to find him sitting down at a table by himself.

   "Umm hey," Sophie nervously waved at the cute guitarist. "Is this seat taken?"

  "Oh hey, oh it's not you can sit down." Liam said as he pointed to the seat across from him. "So what brings you here?"

   "Well I kinda realized I just left you there, and didn't give you my phone number." Sophie rambled as she took out her phone from her tiny purse.

  "It's 783-573-8274," Sophie spoke as he wrote it down on his phone. "Thanks for everything, I don't know what would of happened if you weren't there."

   "Hey no problem," Liam said as he wove his hand through his hair. 

 "Want to take a quick walk?" Sophie asked holding out her hand for him to take.

  "Sure! Why not." He agreed as he took her hand, and intertwined their fingers together. Sophie flashed him a small smile, as they started to walk around the property. It was a little awkward at first,  it then they started to share the crazy stories that they had.

   "And then I fell off my horse straight into its poop, in front of my director! It was the most embarrassing thing ever!" Sophie laughed as she retold the story.

   "No way! I feel bad for you, I would be scarred for life if that happened to me," He laughed with her. Then Sophie's phone buzzed. Sophie quickly checked her phone and realized that it had been thirty minutes and Linh was wondering where she was.

  "Aww, I have to leave," Sophie sighed as she held both of his hands. "I'll have my manager text yours to tell you when we can work on the music video." 

  "Oh okay," Liam replied as his face fell. "I can't wait to see you again, though tonight was magical." Liam hugged her one more time before she ran off to her bodyguard. Liam could only sigh at how he got so lucky.

   "Okay, Claire I'm ready let's go," Sophie announced using Linh's code name. "Claire?" Sophie was confused where Linh could've been. She ran back inside the party to go look for Linh when she ran into someone.

   "Are you lost?" The person asked as their striking ice blue eyes, that she had missed for such a long time looked into hers.

Welp. 😂 Plz tell me how I did with the liaphie fluff-ish stuff. I know you guys might be raging right now, but don't worry, somethings have to get worst before they get better. (And plzz spare meeee) 😆 until next time. If you have any suggestions feel free to tell me. Stay strong, stay safe! (Word count 723)


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