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    "Sophie! I missed you!" Linh squealed giving her a hug. It was the last day of summer and Sophie had just gotten back from going on tour the entire summer. For the world the Moonlark is an international sensation who went on tour this entire summer. For the people who knew Sophie Foster she was visiting "family" for the whole summer.

    "I missed you to Linh! How was your summer, sorry I couldn't stay," Sophie added sympathetically. 

   "It was the same old same old, kinda lonely without you though," Linh said sighing. "I got to go to a Moonlark concert though! It was amazing, she's so talented." Linh was obsessed with the Moonlark, she was her number one fan. Sophie was surprised that Linh hasn't made the connection of her and the Moonlark. 

   "Ugh where's Tam when I need him," Sophie sighed. Tam was on Sophie's side always when it came to the Moonlark. They were both on the linhseriouslyneedstostopfangirlingovertheMoonlarkclub. Linh was going to continue ranting about the Moonlark when Tam walked in.

   "Oh hey Sophie!" Tam said as he walked in. 

   "Tam!" Sophie shouted running over to him hugging him. "Long time no see!" Tam blushed as she let go. Tam and Sophie were kinda like the emo kids at school. They both wore all black and loved to stay in the shadows. Everyone at school treated them bad about it, but Linh and Dex would always defend them. They were all one group. 

   "You guys ready for Foxfire." Linh asked as Tam and Sophie walked back to her.

   "No, I'm so not ready." Sophie groaned. To everyone at school Sophie barely said anything, Sophie was scared that they would make the connection and she would never have a normal life.

    "Come one, it's only our second year at Foxfire High! We can make a brand new impression!" Linh suggested. 

   "Nah," Sophie and Tam said at the same time. 

   "You guys are boring," Linh pouted. Linh was always the optimistic one in the group. "Where Dex anyways?"

   "He's still in Bora Bora with his family, he won't be coming back until tomorrow." Sophie said as she pulled out her IPhone to check her messages. 

   "Wait is that the iPhone 11! The Moonlark has the same exact one!" Linh squealed as she ran over to grab Sophie's iPhone. 

   "Yeah big deal!" Sophie grumbled. She knew that she should probably tell her that she was the Moonlark soon, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. 

  "Do you guys want to hang out tomorrow?" Sophie suggested checking her calendar making sure she didn't have any plans. "I'm free after school."

  "Sure!" Linh squealed. "We haven't hung out with each other in a long time!"

   "Yeah sure, whatever," Tam agreed.

   "Okay then! I have to go right now, but I'll text you guys about tomorrow, Bye!!" Sophie yelled as she ran to her car where her mom Edaline was. 

                               Time skip (cuz I can)

The only people who knew she was the Moonlark was her family Edaline, Grady, her stylist, and her manager. 

   "Hey Sophie!" Sophie's manager Brielle said through the iPhone. 

   "Hey Brielle what's up!" Sophie asked. 

     "Well I just have to say that I'm sending Vertina for you tomorrow so, you can get ready to go to the signing for your new album." Brielle squealed! "It's your third one! Can you believe that three years ago you were a little twelve year old trying out for us."

   "I know right! Time seems to flies!" Sophie sighed. "Anyways thanks for the warning, Edaline is making mallowment, and I can't miss it, talk to you later!" Sophie tan down the stair as Edaline just pulled out a fresh batch of mallowment out of the oven.

     "Sophie, who was that?" Edaline asked as she started to cool down the mallowment.

     "Oh just my manager, she told me that I have to go to a signing for my new album." Sophie said as she started to reach for the mallowment. 

   "Oh, good luck, you know how crazy the crowd gets around you," Edaline announced as she swatted Sophie's hand away form the burning mallowment.

    "Hey," Sophie whined. "I know right though, I'm so happy I decided to become the Moonlark so at least at school I'm not swarmed with people." The door opened to see a tired Grady.

   "Dad!" Sophie exclaimed as she ran over to give her adoptive dad a hug. 

   "Hey Kiddo!" Grady managed to wheeze from Sophie's bear-hug. After the years of Sophie being adopted, she finally got learned to love them like her real parents. Sometimes Sophie would still get flashbacks of her parents and sisters death, but Edaline and Grady would always be there to help her through the painful nightmares.

   That's when Sophie finally learned to love.

 Hey guys!! I loved the idea of Sophie having a double life, so I decided to make a fanfic about it, I hope you enjoy it. Please give me suggestions on what should happen next! Love ya'll!!


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