Chapter Seven, The Melee

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Chapter Seven, The Melee

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Chapter Seven, The Melee

Later that night after Gwen had left Merlyn, Gwaine and Gaius were trying to brainstorm what they could do to help Arthur and stop those thugs.
"I don't know what we can do. Uther won't listen that they're trying to kill Arthur. Even if you say so Gwaine, look how reluctant he was to admit he was wrong and you're a Nobleman." Merlyn exclaimed when Gwaine opened his mouth, as she was pacing up and down, only for Gwaine to take her into his arms as he lent on a table opposite Gaius.
"I could try and persuade Arthur to withdraw from the contest." Gaius suggested.
"He won't. I know Arthur, he's too stubborn.

If we tell him that someone is trying to kill him, and he has to withdraw it'll just make him more eager to compete, like all the other times." Merlyn sighed as she leaned into Gwaine's arms taking comfort from him. "I'll have to somehow...use my powers to defend him." Merlyn said with uncertainty.
"No, absolutely not!" Gwaine argued.
"With the King and half of Camelot watching?" Gaius asked, appalled.
"What choice do we have?" Merlyn asked them. Neither Gwaine nor Gaius could answer her and neither of them liked it. Gwaine pulled Merlyn further into his arms as he thought of a plan, he would not allow his Merlyn bird to be killed. Even if he was killed in her place, then so be it.


The day of the Melee dawned and Merlyn was a nervous wreck. She couldn't even bare to stomach anything as her stomach was so queasy, which made Gaius worry for her, but to make matters worse she hadn't seen Gwaine this morning and neither had Gaius. Merlyn had a gut feeling on where he'd gone, and she hoped it was wrong, just this once.
"I'm sure Gwaine is fine, Merlyn." Gaius tried to reassure his anxious niece.
"What if he's joined the Melee, Gaius, you know they have those swords and will be aiming for Arthur. If they find out Gwaine is there too - I'll have two to watch out for." Merlyn ranted as she paced up and down.

"Merlyn, calm down. There's no use worrying about it now. We best head down there before you're late." Gaius said, grasping her arms and leading her from their chambers and towards Arthur's chambers before he left for the Tourney Field.


As Merlyn was laying the chain mail on the table the door opened revealing Uther who had a wrapped sword under his arm. Both Merlyn and Arthur had to refrain from glaring as the King came further into the chamber.
"Ah." Uther exclaimed with a wide beaming smile on his face.
'You're only happy when Arthur is risking his neck for your pride and vanity.' Merlyn thought snidely as she turned her back on the King.
"I trust you're ready for the challenge?" Uther demanded of Arthur.
"Yes father." Arthur answered coldly, he would not forgive his father for what he'd done and Uther knew it too.
"I came to bring you this." Uther continued, holding out the wrapped sword and not noticing or rather ignoring Arthur's cold tone.

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