Chapter Twenty-Five, Hope meets Kilgharrah

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Chapter Twenty-Five, Hope meets Kilgharrah

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Chapter Twenty-Five, Hope meets Kilgharrah

'Merlyn! Merlyn! Merlyn, I would like to meet our newest kin. Please bring her to where we usually meet young Mage?' Kilgharrah's voice asked within Merlyn's mind as she made Arthur's bed, making her startle slightly as she hadn't expected it.
'Of course we will see you tonight, old friend.' Merlyn agreed.
"Merlyn?" Arthur asked worriedly. "What's wrong?" Arthur sat at his desk going through his correspondents with one hand while he held Hope to his chest with the other so it would be easier for Merlyn to make the bed. Plus he got cuddles with his niece so he wasn't complaining.

Once George left with a tray full of dirty cutlery as he'd been cleaning the other side of the room, and the door had shut firmly behind him Merlyn spoke, a hand still clasped to her forehead.
"It was Kilgharrah. We can talk to each other through our minds when we want to. He wants to meet Hope. He is as much Hope's kin as he is mine." Merlyn revealed to a shocked Arthur.
"When does he want to meet her?" Arthur asked worriedly.
"He won't hurt her or me so don't worry Dollophead." Merlyn teased, causing Arthur to roll his eyes fondly. "He asked if we could meet tonight in the usual place. I agreed." Merlyn added.
"I'll make sure you're able to get out of the castle as soon as it gets dark." Arthur said after a moment of thought.

'That'll make sure there's no interference. I won't have any risk come to my sister and niece if I can help it.' Arthur thought to himself as he finished off the last bit of correspondence and set his quill down and screwed the lid back on to the inkwell.
"Thank you Arthur." Merlyn said stunned but so incredibly grateful, he really has changed so much since her arrival in Camelot, but more so since Hope was born. He became more forthcoming with his emotions allowing those he cared for to see them instead of remaining an unfeeling statue like his father had raised him to be. And it felt like a weight had been taken from Arthur's shoulders every time he expressed them.
"You're welcome." Arthur mumbled bashfully, looking down at Hope who was now awake and staring at him with her big cerulean eyes.


Later that night, an hour after night had fallen Gwaine and Merlyn with Hope strapped to her chest snuck out of the city to the clearing where Merlyn usually met up with Kilgharrah. They had only waited for a few moments when they felt a large breeze swooping the clearing and the sound of large flapping wings as Kilgharrah appeared above the swaying treetops. As the great dragon landed the ground shook with his great weight, a hand on Merlyn's back steadied her stopping her from falling.
"Hello Kilgharrah." Merlyn said happily with a wide grin.
"Hello young Mage, and Sir Gwaine. I trust you have been treating my kin with the kindness and the respect they deserve?" Kilgharrah asked, a veiled threat hidden within his words that Gwaine caught.

"Of course. Both Merlyn and Hope are my world and I would die for them. Even Arthur has expressed the same, he dotes on her like an uncle." Gwaine replied, hiding his fear at the threat.
"Does he know of magic? And he accepts?" Kilgharrah asked, shocked.
"Yes. My magic has been fighting my control since I became pregnant. It's getting better, but I was feeding Hope when he startled me and he caught my eyes flashing gold. I was terrified but he wasn't angry or betrayed. He accepts me and Hope and, he promised to treat others of our kind with respect, undoing the wrongs Uther has done. He even knows about Morgana and Morgause and swore he'd never let anger cloud his judgment like they have." Merlyn explained happily.

"This is better than I ever could have expected." Kilgharrah mused pleasantly surprised. "Your presence besides the young Pendragon, Merlyn has brought a change in him that not even I had foreseen, especially since the birth of your daughter. I can tell she is going to be as powerful as you, young Mage, as she grows." Merlyn and Gwaine smiled tenderly down at their daughter, who was now awake looking around her in wonder trying to see where the deep baritone voice was coming from making Kilgharrah chuckle. Hope cooed at the sound eliciting laughs from her parents as they removed her from the wrap, Merlyn now laying Hope in her arms. When she was settled Merlyn slowly walked towards Kilgharrah as he lowered himself down looking at the babe in his Lady's arms.

"She is beautiful like you, Merlyn with her father's hair." Kilgharrah rumbled softly, not wishing to startle the babe now that she was closer. But he needn't be worried; as Hope's eyes flashed gold causing leaves and loose flower petals to twirl around the odd quartet in slow dance. "Balinor, he would be so proud of you Merlyn. He is always with you. Within both of you." Merlyn's eyes filled with tears at the mention of her father, smiling a watery smile as Gwaine wrapped an arm around Merlyn's waist offering some comfort. Merlyn's father, like his own father, was a touchy subject.
"Thank you old friend, every time I use my powers to call you, I feel him standing beside me." Merlyn said tearfully.
"And you will always feel him with you Merlyn. Like young Hope, when she inherits the power will feel both you and her grandfather besides her." Kilgharrah said soothingly.

"I have no fear that the future of Albion will be a better one than all had imagined. You have done well, young Mage." Kilgharrah praised, pride shining in his golden eyes and clear in his voice. "I shall take my leave now, and allow you to return to the castle," Kilgharrah said, as he noticed Hope nuzzling Merlyn's chest as her next feed was coming up, her last one before the morning, as she was finally sleeping through the night which both Merlyn and Gwaine were thankful for. "I will hold you to your promise Sir Gwaine." Kilgharrah said ominously.
"Thank you Kilgharrah. I'll see you soon." Merlyn smiled, watching her old friend take off into the skies. She fully intended to introduce her daughter to the Great Dragon once again when she was a little older and able to remember him, but she will always have that semblance of safety with Kilgharrah for they were his Kin.

"Come, love. Let's head back to the castle, have some dinner and an early night. You need and deserve it after the stress wrought upon you lately." Gwaine said worriedly, leading his small family back up to the castle. Merlyn smiled lovingly up at her husband, pressing a tender and loving kiss to the underside of his jaw.
"I love you Gwaine." Merlyn said seriously and lovingly, she knew he had been worried about her a lot lately.
"I love you too, my Merlyn bird. Both of you." Gwaine replied with a blinding grin, kissing Merlyn's temple lovingly.

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