Chapter Twenty-Two, Queen of Hearts

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Chapter Twenty-Two, Queen of Hearts

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Chapter Twenty-Two, Queen of Hearts

What Merlyn, Gwaine and Gaius had feared had come true. Hope had Merlyn's magical abilities. A few hours after she'd been born -thankfully when everyone had left- Hope started levitating things around the room. It wasn't often but it did scare the new parents and great-great uncle as they feared what Uther would do. However, that would soon be the least of their worries.

Two months after Merlyn had given birth, she was in her room she shared with Gwaine nursing their daughter while she rested against Gwaine in bed staring lovingly down at Hope and sharing kisses with each other; when the door suddenly flung open without even knocking. And in walked Uther with a protesting Arthur and Sir Leon behind him.
"Sire!! Can you not knock!?" Gwaine shouted angrily, lunging forward to pull the curtain closed a little to shield his wife from their views, as the top of her nightgown was undone as she nursed Hope. Arthur and Leon quickly turned their backs when they caught the slightest glimpse and felt disgusted as Merlyn was their sister and that they didn't need to see that, and hot blushes spread across their cheeks but Uther did not. He just looked annoyed at being reprimanded.

"Tell Merlyn she has to go back to work today. She can strap your child to her chest while she does it." Uther said, ignoring the protests from Gwaine and the two behind him and stalked pompously out of the room.
"I'm so sorry Merlyn, Gwaine. He didn't give us time to knock and we've been arguing with him all morning about this." Sir Leon apologised.
"I told him George could stay as my manservant until Hope is older but he wouldn't hear it. You won't be doing anything extenuating, nor any heavy lifting, I'll have George do that." Arthur swore.
"Thank you Leon. Thank you Arthur." Merlyn replied softly, but you could hear the resigned note in her voice. Gwaine pulled her closer and pressed a loving kiss to her temple, despite the annoyed frown upon his face.


Throughout the day Merlyn was doing what she could but she always had a Knight or another servant following her to help her if she needed it, which while she did find grateful she did find annoying as it would be harder to hide not only Hope's magic but her own as well as it was still affected by her hormones that were slowly settling down. But Gaius assured her she should have control again within a month or two, so she just had to hold out. It was now in the afternoon and Merlyn was nursing Hope, sat at Arthur's table in his chambers but she had a light, clean cloth over her shoulder to cover herself in case anyone came in. She was softly humming to Hope, soothing her, as Merlyn's eyes fluctuated between gold and cerulean, letting out the excess a little so she could have control for the rest of the day until they reached the safe haven of their chambers. Little Hope copied her mother as she held Merlyn's finger tightly staring into Merlyn's eyes as she suckled at her breast.

Magic, Strength and Hope Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora