Chapter Twenty, Honeymoon

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Chapter Twenty, Honeymoon

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Chapter Twenty, Honeymoon

Now that Merlyn was no longer working unless it was an emergency until the baby was born; Gwaine was taking her away to their estate. The every one he'd been given when he was made a Knight for their two week honeymoon. He also planned for halfway through their honeymoon to take her to Mercia but it all depends on how she was feeling as she was halfway through the pregnancy. And he would not do anything that caused a risk, potential or not, to Merlyn or their unborn child.
"Gwaine, where are we going?" Merlyn asked curiously but also full of excitement. Gwaine chuckled, pressing a loving kiss to her temple as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. They'd taken a carriage to their estate as riding was dangerous with how far Merlyn was in her pregnancy.
"We, my love, have a two week away at our estate on the south of the border, near the sea. However, I have changed the name of our manor." Gwaine mused.

"I'm never going to get used to that." Merlyn muttered, shaking her head which caused Gwaine to let out a loud laugh. "What did you change it to?" She asked, turning away from the view to look at her husband.
"House Balinor." Gwaine revealed a little nervously. Merlyn gasped, tears filling her eyes, as she wrapped her arms around Gwaine's neck.
"Oh, Gwaine! Thank you." Merlyn said in a choked voice. "But what of Uther? If he hears that name, my father's name..."
"Shh, everything is fine my love." Gwaine soothed, pressing a kiss to her forehead and held her close. "Uther never cares for such things I checked before I changed it and even if he did hear of it I have a story to cover it completely."

"Hmm, you seem to have thought of everything." Merlyn said with a teasing smile, before suddenly letting out a sharp gasp.
"What is it? What's wrong my Merlyn bird?" Gwaine panicked.
"I'm fine. I'm okay. Was just a sharp kick." Merlyn assured, grabbing Gwaine's hand and placing it over where their baby was kicking.
"Now that is not nice." Gwaine scolded, rubbing his thumb over Merlyn's bump. "No hurting your mother!" He scolded, pressing a kiss to the bump and then a tender, loving one to Merlyn's lips.


The fortnight seemed to have flown by in a blink of an eye and Merlyn and Gwaine were on their way back to Camelot from Mercia. Merlyn was shocked at the Manor House having never seen something so grand besides Camelot and she was not used to being waited on when she herself had grown up in a small village and was a servant. But all the servants at House Balinor were exceedingly kind and she had made a fast friend in Lucinda, the maidservant that had looked after Merlyn for the duration of her stay. She had light blonde hair, grey eyes and was a little older than Merlyn but she was very kind.

When it came time for Adelaide, Esme and Ben to return to Mercia, Gwaine and Merlyn had decided to travel with them even if they only stayed in Mercia for a few days. It was a nice break and a much needed one from all the danger that constantly plagued Arthur and all of Camelot. It was the most relaxed Merlyn could ever remember being and she was almost sad to see their little break come to an end, as the gates of Camelot could be seen through the windows of the carriage.
"How're you feeling, my love?" Gwaine asked, concerned.
"Happy. Tired and relaxed. I'm almost sad to come back but I miss Gaius." Merlyn replied with a soft sigh, resting fully against her husband who held her safely in his arms.
"Well, how about once we get inside, I'll have Gaius check you over and then you have a nap?" Gwaine suggested.

"That would actually be amazing." Merlyn replied, staring out the window absently as she bit her lip.
"Hey!" Gwaine said firmly, using two fingers to gently turn Merlyn to face him. "I don't want you worrying Merlyn. It's not good for you or the baby. But I swear to you, nothing and no one will hurt you, I promise. I'll never let anything happen to you or our daughter. I love you." Gwaine declared passionately.
"I love you too, Gwaine." Merlyn said, kissing his lips tenderly as the carriage came to a stop. Neither of them were ready for what was about to go down in Camelot in the coming weeks and months, but somehow they knew they wouldn't get a choice in the matter.

 Neither of them were ready for what was about to go down in Camelot in the coming weeks and months, but somehow they knew they wouldn't get a choice in the matter

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