Chapter Twenty-Six, Another stupid Tournament

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Chapter Twenty-Six, Another Stupid Tournament

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Chapter Twenty-Six, Another Stupid Tournament

Merlyn couldn't believe that Uther was holding another tournament but this time it was an open tournament to all comers across the realm, and that there were no rules. Which made more work for her and the other servants. But also made it harder for her to assess who, if any, of the competitors were a threat to Arthur.
"This is the most stupidest thing I've ever heard!" Merlyn complained to her husband as she got ready for the day after feeding Hope her morning milk. Hope was dressed in a pretty white and hunter's green dress, Merlyn in a long black skirt, an emerald green off-the-shoulder shirt with a black corset with gold embroidery and brown boots, and Gwaine was dressed in brown pants, a grey shirt and a black jacket with dark brown boots.

"I'm with you on that one, love." Gwaine muttered in agreement, kissing Merlyn's neck and tying the end of her side plait for her with a black ribbon.
Before they could say more there was a knock on the door and in entered, once Gwaine had bade them entrance, Arthur with George behind him carrying Arthur's armour and sword.
"Morning Merlyn, Gwaine, Hope." Arthur greeted, "Merlyn, we're heading to the training grounds today."
"No one thought this through did they? Seriously Arthur! A tournament open to all comers for a prize of a hundred gold coins. Are you trying to make my job harder?" Merlyn ranted.

"I happen to agree with my wife. It's ridiculous. Which is why I'm not participating. I'm not causing my Merlyn-bird anymore stress. I wonder what kind of people are going to turn up." Gwaine informed Arthur, who had opened his mouth only to close it again.
"I agree with you Merlyn." Arthur sighed. "But it's tradition. The tournament's been held every ten years for centuries."
"I'll sort Hope out then I'll join you on the field." Merlyn informed Arthur who nodded, turning to leave with George.

"Arthur," Gwaine called, stopping the Prince. "I'll train with you but I won't participate. No matter what people say or think." People I.e. Uther and Morgana were left unsaid.
"Of course." Arthur agreed, leaving his sister and niece in the caring hands of her husband or father in Hope's case. As the door shut he heard Gwaine comforting Merlyn and couldn't help but feel guilty despite that he had no part in organising this. It was all his father's doing.
'Of course it was.' Arthur thought despondently.

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