Chapter Twenty-Seven, Close Calls

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Chapter Twenty-Seven, Close Calls

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Chapter Twenty-Seven, Close Calls

The following day Merlyn was helping Arthur get ready for the tournament while Gwaine had Hope and Arthur was quizzing her about what happened in the Armoury the day before.
"Why did you never say anything last night?" Arthur queried, hurt and concern clear in his tone.
"Because it was handled and besides, you wanted me to serve you, Morgana and your father last night." Merlyn reminded sharply.
"You know that wasn't me. Besides, you still should have told me, Gwaine and Leon. What if they-" Arthur trailed off as the reminder of what the fake Sir Oswald and his companion had done to Merlyn swirled to the surface in both their minds.

"Sorry." Arthur muttered apologetically. "I just don't want to see you or Hope hurt. I'll have to thank this... Gilli when I see him."
"Arthur-" Merlyn started hesitantly.
"What is it?" He asked concerned.
"I think, no I know, he has magic." Merlyn whispered so quietly that Arthur barely heard her. Arthur froze as he looked over Merlyn spotting the fear in her eyes for her kin.
"I won't do anything as he hasn't done anything but wish to fight in the tournament. Funny how father states it's open to all comers but yet doesn't think some Sorcerers may try out." Arthur shakes his head, slipping some armour onto his wrists.
"Thank you Arthur." Merlyn muttered gratefully, holding the other one in her hands. "If he does start to show signs I'll talk him out of it." Merlyn promised. "Anyway, how are you feeling?"

"Confident." Arthur stated, but Merlyn knew him well enough by now to know when he was scared or at least worried.
"Are you sure? It's okay to be afraid sometimes, Arthur. I know your father puts a lot of pressure on you for this thing." Merlyn questioned sadly.
"Yes, Merlyn." Arthur answered in a slightly clipped tone. "Sorry. Don't worry, I'll be fine." He assured, giving her a brief side hug before they headed towards the arena on the outskirts of the citadel.

However, upon arriving there was a confusing surprise awaiting for them. Frowns appeared on Arthur's, Merlyn's and Gwaine's faces from where they stood in the arena and on the outskirts respectively as Morgana made her way to the Royal Box instead of the King. Merlyn and Gwaine shared a confused and worried look with Gaius before returning their attention to the arena as Morgana started speaking.
"It is my pleasure to welcome you all to Camelot." Morgana welcomed. "This is a contest like no other. It is open to all comers.." she paused as a fanfare started. "Including our reining champion, the King." As she finished speaking Uther made his way into the arena waving and smirking to his people, to the horror of Arthur.

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