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Roses were always Xisuma's favourite. 

They felt numb as he watched the funeral. 

Numb as they watched the hermits involved mourned. 

Numb as they accompanied False with Xisuma's book, to all the hermits not involved with the Rowan mess. 

Numb as they watched Zedaph cry. 

Numb as they watched Impulse comfort Zed, and welcome Tango back into their trio, pampering Tango as Tango watched, confused and upset. 

Xerexis felt so god damn numb all the time now. 

Maybe it was good for them. 

Maybe it wasn't. 

Xerexis didn't know. 

After all was said and done though, and the other hermits were aware of False and Xerexis' new statuses, they conveened with Grian, Doc, Mumbo, Iskall and Scar. 

"So, what now?" Doc asked, holding onto himself. Beside him, Grian and Mumbo were together. Grian was still injured, and Doc had said Grian would most definitely go blind in that eye, although he was pretty sure that Iskall or himself could make Grian a prosthetic of it, if Grian so wished. Mumbo had recovered from his tired state of mind, and was now clear headed and healthy again, his wounds healed. 

To Doc's other side sat Scar, Jellie in his lap, Iskall lounging on the floor between Scar and Xerexis. 

Surprisingly, for reasons Xerexis couldn't yet understand, Iskall had seemed dazed and confused when they'd gotten back from disposing of Rowan. Doc had said that Iskall had randomly fainted, and then about half an hour later, had woken. They kept their dragon features, but they seemed clear headed and they asked what was goining on. They had asked about Rowan and Heidi and Kady, panicked, and when Doc had told them that Kady and Heidi were gone, Iskall had seemed confused and startled. 

Xerexis had a theory that Iskall might have been under some sort of curse, and that Rowan's death cleared their head and halted the dragon feature growing process, but they weren't entirely sure. 

False stood to Xerexis' other side, closing the gap between them and Mumbo, making their full meeting circle. 

"I have no idea." False sighed, leaning back against the wall. 

Xerexis didn't respond, silence falling over their group. 

"Well, I guess it would be up to you two, False and Xerexis. You are the admins now, after all." Grian murmured, looking around. Mumbo nodded his agreement. 

"My only suggestion would be to move us all to season 7 now." Scar said. "As much as I'm sure it would confuse the other hermits, this season brings me so much grief to look around at. I can't look at Area 77 without thinking of when I found Cub's dead body in the surrounding forest, or Cleo's body in one of the chambers. I can't look at Hermitville without thining of it's lost potantial, and how empty and abandoned it seems. I can't look at Grian's base without thinking of how it was used as a torture chamber for anyone trapped there." 

"Sress' castle too." False agreed. "I was held there for a while when not performing Rowan's tasks, and it was like a prison." 

"Same with the shopping district." Iskall chimed in. "I don't remember much past my attack there, but it was in the shopping district that I got hit with Rowan's potion and got kidnapped." 

Xerexis smiled bitterly. "Maybe it is time to move on." They said. "Head to season 7, and start a fresh. For Xisuma." They looked around and when they earned no protests from the other hermits, they knew that they'd won. 

"I'll put out a group message to bring everyone to spawn island. Mumbo, can you fetch Scar and Cub? They still won't talk to anyone else." Xerexis said, and Mumbo nodded. 

"I'll also pull Joe, Ren and Tango aside. While we agreed that we'd try avoid telling the other hermits about what happened with Rowan, I don't think they know, and Tango's starting to remember, I think." False added. 

Xerexis nodded, pulling out his communicator. 

<Xerexis> can everyone come to the spawn island? 

When he recieved a few people saying yes, he closed off his communicator and readied his elytra, picking up a few rockets for the flight there. 

"I'll meet you all there." Xerexis said, before he left for the Hermitville portal, without another word. 

Ready to lead his hermits into a new season, free from Rowan. 

Of course, nothing was ever going to be that simple. 

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