Revenge? Not in Xerexis' Good Christian Household

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brief a/n: this one's multi pov, so it might be formatted a little weirdly


Mumbo had been going about his day, finalising the enchantments o the battle armour that False had crafted, when he heard the news about Xisuma's new status. 

Specifically, how Xisuma had sold him out for Xisuma's freedom, a while ago. 

And Mumbo was close to tears, and he'd ruined the book on the ehcnahting table, but he didn't care. Xerexis and Grian were by his sides, and he was trying to hold back his tears, breathing uneven. 

He couldn't trust them. 

He couldn't trust Xisuma. 

He couldn't trust Xerexis. 

He couldn't trust Grian. 

What if Grian had lied? What if Grian had made a deal and he "escaped"? What if him and False being caught was a ruse? 

Mumbo couldn't trust Grian. 

He couldn't even trust himself anymore. 

If he couldn't trust himself, then he coudn't trust anyone else. 

Or could he trust them more? 

Mumbo wasn't sure. 


At first, when Xerexis had come and told Grian, Grian was furious. Xisuma knew what it was like to have Rowan in his head. Xisuma knew what Rowan had made him do, and what Grian had been forced to do, both here by Heidi, and in Evo by Rowan. Xisuma knew that Stess was having it tough, trapped in her own head constantly by Kady. 

Why the hell did Xisuma think it would possibly be a good idea to possibly subject Mumbo to that?! Mumbo never should need to suffer through Rowan's control, and as admin, Xisuma should try and keep Mumbo from needing to be hurt by Rowan! 

Grian had half a mind to go off at Xisuma, and kick him from the group (with what little authority he had). He half wanted to hand Xisuma back over to Rowan and Kady, and let them do what they wanted with him. Anything  to teach Xisuma not to hand Hermits over to something they were supposed to be fighting. 

Xerexis had unfortunately said no, and had asked Doc to physically restrain him, so Grian had sat, tied up, in the medical cell for twenty minutes while Xerexis found and told Mumbo. Grian had then been summonded to comfort Mumbo, since Mumbo had been asking for him and was about to cry, and Grian didn't like it when Mumbo was upset. 

He absolutely despised it, in fact. Mumbo being upset made Grian feel upset, and he hated watching Mumbo suffer. Mumbo didn't deserve it. 

Only Grian was allowed to bully Mumbo, and gently at that. 

Either way, Grian had been fast to get to Mumbo's side, and try to comfort him. Mumbo had just learned that Xisuma had betrayed him, after all. Mumbo needed comfort. 

Xisuma needed to be punted off the face of the earth, but that wasn't what Grian was focusing on. 

Grian was focusing on his friend, and making sure Mumbo was conforted while he processed this. 


Scar was having issues. 

Not with Xisuma, although he understood why the other hermits were upset with him. Xerexis had just told everyone that Xisuma had sold out Mumbo for his own freedom: of course they were going to be upset

No, Scar's main issue was Cub and Cleo. 

To put it shortly, they were following him. He'd walk through the shopping district to visit one of his and Cub's old Convex stores? Cub would be there, staring at him. 

Going to the games district? Cleo was right behind him, trying to be subtle as her eyes bore into his back, watching him. 

No matter what he did, or where he tried to go, Cub and Cleo were two steps behind him, and it was unnerving. 

Especially since he knew they were under Rowan's control, and supposed to be dead. He'd seen their dead bodies. He'd helped Doc and Mumbo bury them. 

So why were they still here?

And more importantly, why were they following him in particular? 

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