What's this? More angst?

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tw/cw for broken bones and minor torture :)


False didn't trust Xisuma.

And she was the only one who didn't.

Since Xisuma had arrived at Area 77, and explained himself, False had felt that his story had been fishy. That he was lying to them about something.

False wasn't sure what, but it was something. Something felt off about his recap, and False couldn't help but mot trust Xisuma for it. If he'd told the absolute truth, she didn't doubt that she'd put all of her faith and trust into him again. The fact of the matter, however, was that he was obviously lying to them, and False was the only persom who'd picked up on it.

Ren and Scar were obviously oblivious, chattering on with Xisuma and explaining everything that had happened. They were genuinely happy to see Xisuma. False had even caught Doc shooting fond looks at Xisuma. She understood why, and she understood that they hadn't had a chance to interact with Xisuma normally since, hell, season 5? Early this season?

But knowing that Xisuma was a liar left a foul taste in False's mouth, especially when he tried to talk to her. She was aware that her hostility was probably noticeable, and when everything went back to normal (False refused to even consider the other option), maybe False would apologise if Xisuma confessed to lying.

For now though?

False was going to hold that grudge. 


Walking through the forest was always calming for False.

Just being surrounded by the tall  trees gave her a sense of comfort, and she liked to forget her worries as she wandered through the forest. With only a stack of golden carrots to her name (plus some rockets and her elytra, packed in her inentory in case she got lost), False liked to head out. 

This was supposed to be such an occasion, False flying off into the distance. rockets propelled her through the thick nether air, blocks of obsidian clutched against her chest. She was long gone, far from the nether hub and even the Halloween district, searching. Once she'd run out of rockets from this stack, she'd build a portal, dump her belongings into her enderchest, and then go for a walk. 

She needed to clear her head, after everything that had happened over the last few months. 

reaching for another rocket and finding their weren't any, False drifted down dwards the netherack ledge, and there, she built a portal up, ignighting it with her trusty flint and steel. The purple glow was soothing, and reminded her of an enderman's eyes when they were relaxed and calm. 

False had lived in the end for a short amount of time before joining Hermitcraft. She hadgrown friendly with the endermen there, and they had trusted her enough to look her in the eyes when she spoke to them. 

They were long gone now, though. 

Going through the portal, False was pleased to find that she was on the edge of an untouched desert, a birch forest nearby. To the other side there was a jungle, both untouched like the desert had been. It was pretty likely that False would have to let a mob kill her to get back to civilisation, although she hoped that wouldn't be the case. 

Placing down an enderchest, False dug through it, ditching her precious belongings. She kept a stack of golden carrots on her, a bed and an enchanted iron sword, but left most else behind. 

Starting off into the birch forest, False felt her shoulders sag with relief, eerything seemingly slowing down. It all felt slower, at least. 

Probably because False didn't have to watch over her shoulder 24/7 (or so she thought), and she liked it like that. It was calmer. There were less accusations flying, and less murders. Here, in the forest, False didn't hae to watch her friend brutally murder others in front of her. 

Here, she didn't have to carefully keep guard while her friends tried (and failed) to help Iskall regain their humanity. Here, she didn't have to worry about feeling like there were eyes watching her. 

Until she did. 

She felt eyes baring into her, and she felt on edge again. 

Then an oddly smelling cloth was pulled over her mouth and nose, and she tried to scream, but she felt sleepier and sleepier, and then she was out like a light. 


False woke to find some sort of dungeon area. 

Stone bricks lined the floor, and when False twisted her head, she could see more stone bricks behind her. A single lantern illuminated the space, giving off a dim light. 

When her eyes adjusted more, False saw there were blood stains all over the floor, her heart dropping when she spotted feathers. 

Purple feathers, that distinctly belonged to Grian.

"That should teach you for coming back and ruining everything again, Grian." A familiar voice echoed from somewhere, a sharp cry following it. Both sounded like they came from the same voice, albeit one of them sounded vaguely robotic. 

Then there was the sound of bones crunching, and the human sounding Grian oice letting out an ear piercing scream. False jolted forwards, only now realising she was being held back with rope bit into her wrists, False gritting her teeth as she listened to Grian scream. 

She should have never gone on that stupid walk!

Then Grian's screams turned to sobs, gaining progressively louder. 

The sound of two pistons retracting drew False's attention to a doorway, where two Grian's entered. The differences between them were distinct, and False immediately picked the Grian she knew as the one on the floor, bleeding. 

The other had an eerily wide and creepy grin on his face, metal plates taking up two thirds of his face. His skin shone like porcelain, although the blood on his hands made everything worse. 

False's Grian was looking much worse for ware, and it physically hurt False to look at him. He was bloodied and his face was dirty with grime, blood and tears. Grian's wheat blond hair was mattered and dirty, and False couldn't prevent tears from springing to her eyes when she saw the condition he was in. 

The worst part were his wings, and now she knew where the bone snapping had come from. 

The looked awful, with feathers missing, and chunks of fluff gone. The worse part was the area that held the bones. Both wings wre bent at an unnatural angle, with the one to False's left showing bone at the area it was bent. 

She didn't blame Grian for screaming. She would have too, honestly. 

"False?" Grian's oice was croaky as he spoke, little more than a whisper, and False felt a pang og guilt when he said her name. 

"Grian, everything's gonna be okay. Just, save your voice for now. Okay?" She called. Her Grian nodded slightly, staying quiet, while the robotic clone snickered slightly, the eerie grin ever present. 

"You really think you're gonna get out of here, miss? Because I assure you that you and my creator will stay here in my little dungeon. Neither of you will get to disturb me or Xerexis again." The robotic Grian said, and False felt a pit sink in her stomach. 

This was bad. 

This was really bad. 

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