Xisuma trusts too much. Poor dude

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When Rowan turned to fog again and started to surround Xisuma again, Xisuma felt calm for once.

After the cat (named Kady) had introduced herself and decided she wanted to pester Stress (who was still in the hypnotised state Xisuma had put her in when Rowan was in control), Rowan had threatened Xisuma and Grian had jumped to Xisuma's defence.

Heidi had bitten Grian and he argued with her, before Xisuma had asked what was going to happen to Stress and Cleo and Ren and Jevin. Rowan said that he had plans, but Xisuma didn't like that.

So they made an agreement. Xisuma would be more compliant for Rowan, but the four Hermits who had been missing were going to be freed and go back to normal. Grian would also keep himself for at least another few months.

A sharp pain then hit Xisuma and he let out a whimper, the faint feeling of Grian placing a comforting hand on his arm somewhat soothing Xisuma.

Then everything went black.


When Xisuma was able to see again, he could feel the overwhelming presence of Rowan in his head. His limbs were moving and he could hear himself speak, except what he heard Rowan make himself say was absolutely awful and not what Xisuma had agreed too.

"Let Ren and Jevin go." Xisuma heard Rowan say using his voice, Kady purring in response.

"Of course." She said, before Jevin and Ren walked off in their weird, stiff, controlled form.

"Kady, you can take that one. Make use of her. The zombie one we'll keep as our own little toy." Rowan explained when Kady returned.

Xisuma could see that Grian was terrified, the newest Hermit pressed up against a wall. Heidi still sat on his shoulder, the foggy bird staring at Xisuma.

Well, Rowan.

"Heidi. Stay with Grian. If he tries to alert anyone of what's happening, possess him. If he does something that you deem goes against our plans, possess him. You get the idea." Rowan said. Heidi let out a few chitters, content, while Grian just stared at Xisuma/Rowan, a terrified look on Grian's face.

And Xisuma absolutely hated it.

Rowan had gone back on his promise, Grian was in trouble, Cleo was being used and it looked like Stress was going to be possessed by Kady, similarly to how Heidi intended on possessing Grian and how Rowan was currently in control of Xisuma.

At least Jevin and Ren were safe, right?


Xisuma had half a mind to tell Rowan off.

That meant he had full intentions to tell Rowan off. He only had control over half his brain and none of his body after all.

Puns aside, Xisuma was really upset. He'd been fooled into handing himself over to the thing that had plagued him through seasons 2, 3 and 4 of HermitCraft, and he'd put his friends in danger.

What a great leader Xisuma was.


The next time Xisuma saw Grian or Stress or Cleo was about a week later. Grian's infinity room had been volunteered by Heidi for their little meeting, despite Grian's protests, and Xisuma hated it.

Stress had been released from Kady's grasp, the blue cat having taken over Stress as soon as Rowan had released Stress from her controlled state. Stress looked terrified as she sat on the floor of the infinity room, Kady weaving her away around the self proclaimed Ice Queen.

Grian was sitting in his chair, Heidi comfortably nestled in on his shoulder, while Xisuma sat where Grian said Mumbo usually sat during Architect Meetings, Rowan sitting right in front of Xisuma.

Cleo stood in one corner, a glazed, blank look on her face, and Xisuma hated this all.

He hated seeing Cleo's free will stripped away. He hated seeing Grian scared of a room in his own base, and Stress scared of Xisuma.

Xisuma hated seeing Rowan control him, and bend Xisuma.

He hated it so much.

Rowan started the supposed meeting, guesturing to Kady and Heidi. "We have matters to discuss." The misty dog had growled. "The hosts can entertain thmselves while we figure everything out."

Xisuma had felt even worse when Rowan refered to Grian and Stress and Xisuma as hosts. That somehow made this all a lot worse.

Grian seemed outraged.

"You can't call us hosts! That's not all we are, Rowan." Grian had argued, his voice raised. Project A - no, Rowan (Xisuma needed to stop calling that thing Project A now. It had a name after all) almost frowned.

"Heidi, you have my full permission to take him as soon as this meeting ends." Rowan said, grian glaring at Rowan.

"You can't make me. I've fought against you once before, I'll fight against you again." Grian said, almost growling.

"But you aren't fighting him this time." Heidi suddenly spoke up, her usually raspy voice now smooth as silk. Xisuma watched as Grian tensed up, Heidi grinning.

"You've almost succumbed to me once, Grian. You'll fall to me easily."

Grian didn't respond, and Xisuma couldn't blame him. Xisuma wouldn't have been able to repond if Heidi had been talking at him either.

Glancing over at Stress, Xisuma could see that she was still terrified, looking between Grian and the things as they went back and forth.

Xisuma just wanted this to be done with.

Fortunately (or unfortunately), Rowan and Kady and Heidi were able to finish their meeting quickly as Stress and Grian and Xisuma migrated over to Cleo. Cleo may not have really been with them, since she was under Rowan's control via some sort of spell, but Xisuma felt vaguely comforted by her presense and the knowledge that she'd never need to have one of the things in her head.

And Xisuma wanted it to stay that way for Cleo.

Having Rowan in Xisuma's head was awful, and he hated that Grian and Stress suffered the same thing.

At least the others were safe for now though, right?



a/n: This is mainly a filler chapter, but I wanted to establish a few things in this. Ig who's being possessed, who's safe, and sorta explain Cleo's thing. The next chapter will have some more action in it and will move the story along though. Promise!

I can say that I'm not very happy with this chapter, but I've been staring at it for an hour while rewriting paragraphs and I'm not sure if I can make it any better, so this is what y'all are getting from me today uwu

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