chapter 28

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- You certainly did.. - I sigh, mentally face palming. what the hell is she doing here?

- I'm sorry it's just, that guy just can't be called Gary! There is no way! - she says barely finishing, again consumed by laughs.

- well does it really matter what he's called? - I ask raising an eyebrow.

- well of course it does! He should be called something like Gaston or something!

- Even tho this is definitely not the time to discuss this, I do have to agree with Madison. Gary really doesn't sound right, but that guy from beauty and the beast is already called Gaston! we have to be more original.

- you do that, I'm not feeling very creative today.

- look we're not going to discuss what he should be called! Emily have you noticed that Madison just witnessed you hit a guy with frying pan?! -  I almost shout, widening my eyes at her with anger.

- oh yeah, that's kind of a problem isn't it?

- Its ok. my lips are sealed - she says, pretending to zip her lips in a swift movement.

I've never facepalmed myself so many times, I bet this is a solar system wide record. the stupidest conversation I've ever been forced to witness. 

I cant take Madison's memories this time, it would create too much of a gap in her mind. she's a human after all, I cant risk using tricks like this on her again. It turned out pretty bad last time and I only took out a few seconds. But I also cant just let her stay here! its dangerous!

- can you just go away Madison?... please? - I try.

- Not gonna happen. Do you realize that I've just witnessed magic! I'm not letting this go! I've also never been a fan of being left out so bear with me. 

Expected. Now what? Do I bring her with us to get Sean wherever he is and have to protect one more human against an unknown number of cretors.

- Madison, if you die, I'm not responsible.

- wait wait, nobody told me my life was at risk here! And why are you responsible is she dies ?! - she asks, aggressively pointing at Emily.

- well you did just see me almost get murdered - I answer. 

-WHAT ? I thought you guys were doing the murdering!

- And your ok with that ???!!! - Emily intervenes.

- I, no, murder is wrong. But you haven't answered my other question yet!

I take a deep breath before continuing, trying not to loose my cool

 - Emily's life is my responsibility because that's what I came here for...

- Wait, I thought you were on holidays! - she responds, scrunching her nose in confusion.

- I don't think we should start there - Emily whispers, elbowing me.

No, the problem is that im starting! I don't owe her an explanation. The less she knows the better. If she wants to follow us, she can, its her problem.

- It doesn't matter. Madison, if you want to come with us, do as you wish, just keep you mouth shut, dont ask questions and if you dont mind, just dont come.

- Wait, where are we going and what are we doing exactly? - Emily asks.

ok that is a good question. where are we going? Maybe we should start with the most straight forward task.

- Lets start by getting rid of this body - I answer, giving a small kick on Gary's shoulder.

- you said he wasn't dead! - Emily says shocked, obviously reading too much into the word 'body'. 

- He isn't, but are we just going to leave him here for him to wake up and come after us?

- No...

- Good. Madison, since your staying here you might as well help - I say motioning for her to get up.

- wow before we start can you just please explain to me what's going on!? - Emily pleads. 

Maybe I should agree to her request, she does have the right to know what's going on.

- Gary is technically a moon warrior, but he has a long list of.. conflicts with the government, witch led to him to being expelled. Anyway, Gary's past isn't important, and apparently he isn't as powerful as he used to be, he was quickly defeated by a frying pan after all -  I say letting out a small chuckle at how pathetic he looked - Anyway - I continue, straitening my back - He decided to side with the cretors. He's disgusting and bad news. 

- ok - Emily nods - so what were you two talking about? - she asks, also glancing at Madison. 

- Hey don't look at me! - Madison shrugs - I only heard your conversation not theirs. 

- He was just talking about how Andrew was a big help to them. He's one of them, I'm sorry about that Emily but I guess it's true - I sigh with true pity in my eyes.

She was worried sick about him, and was trying so hard to get him back just to be hit in the face with this betrayal. But I cant say I'm surprised, apparently he's a cretor, its in his blood. 

- He also made rude comments about my clothing. and then he tried to kill me and you know what happened next. - I continue, seeing that Emily looks a bit overloaded with all this new information 

- what?! oh no he didnt! - Madison shouts, outraged - How dare he comment on someone's clothing like that?! what a jerk! - she states crossing her arms with a light pout that almost makes me laugh.

- you just saw him almost killing me but your mad about him commenting on my clothes? - I scoff

- yes! The way you dress is of your sole judgement! I like that all your shirts are yellow! Its cute! Don't change it unless its for yourself!

Cute ???????? I can feel my eyes winding at that statement. Cute isn't exactly what I was going for. I'm not cute! yellow isn't cute! 

Emily p.o.v

Of all the things Nia said I seem to be suck processing the words 'one of them'.

one of them, she says. one of the people who are trying to kill me. someone on their side.

someone who I've known all my like is one of them. 

one of them.

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