chapter 2

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I feel myself being shaken. i'm laying on the sand, oh crap, my hair is full of sand again, one of the down sides of having curly hair is that its so hard to get the sand off. I slowly open my eyes to Dan trying to perform some kind of weird CPR on me. I start laughing at this and they all start looking at me weirdly.

- Do you think she hit her head?

Madison asks.

- what? no. i mean, i don't think so. i'm laughing at Dan's, weird CPR. 

- Don't judge! i know all the theory but its different in practice. Also i was panicking! what happened Emily!? one minute you were normal and the next you just kind of fainted!

Then it strikes me, i have been gone for at least 10 minutes but they seem to think i was passed out all that time. or maybe i was really passed out and this was some kind of weird dream. I don't know, I've never passed out before. 

i look down at my hands and see that they look normal, tho i still feel a weird sensation on my palms.

- What happened in the water?? Were you feeling sick or something? Do you want to the hospital?

Sean asks with a worried tone.

- Honestly i have no idea, but i'm not going to the hospital for something like this. Don't tell my parents ok? they might want to make me go.

They all agree and we get back. i still feel a bit weird, the pain felt so real. 


To tell the truth i'm not hungry at all, but no one can resist a pizza from Johns.

About 5 minutes of walking in silence next to my parents and i can already smell the various grilled foods and the smoke coming from every restaurant. 

 one of the most beautiful places in Mayfort is downtown. where thousands of colorful lights illuminate the street, and, of course the best food in town. Also all the shops are here so I end up spending a lot of time around here.

I can still feel a bit of pain where the burns would be, but is a lot better now.

We enter John's pizzas and the wheeler's are the only ones who have arrived, we greet them and I sit next to Andrew, as much as I want to, I cant really sit one or more chairs away from him, because that would be really weird...

Our parents quickly fall into discussion, while me and Andrew sit in an awkward silence. until Andrew decides to speak up.

- So what have you been up to this year? How's Conner doing?

- You know very well I don't talk to him anymore.

- Yes, but are you sure you don't think about him...

- No I don't.

Seriously, of all the topics in the world, Andrew always has to pick the most painful one. Just the reminder of his name makes me want to puke. Andrew knows that I hate him, but he doesn't really know what happened, no one does...

- Come on, that can't be. You were so in love with him two years ago.

- Look, I don't want to talk about it, you know I don't. Please stop it.

- You just want to stop because you know I'm right.

- You're not. You know how much I hate him. Also this is neither the time nor place to talk about this.

- Come one Emily, you can't keep a grudge against all your ex boyfriends who leave you for prettier, smarter woman.

- That's not what happened.

I start to feel my pulse quicken of anger and all of a sudden my palms  start to hurt again, its not very painful, but it still hurts.

He has no idea what his talking about. He knows I hate him so he always brings him up, I wish I could just kick him in the balls, wouldn't be the first time i loose it and just go crazy on him.

- Yeah, sure, everybody knows its true, you deny every theory and this one is the most plausible.

- Plausible my ass, you don't know what your talking about so please shut up.

- Its really obvious.

No matter how many times we have had this exact same conversation he always seems to be able to get under my skin with this.

I'm getting angrier every second and the pain in my hands gets more painful. i look at my palms and see that the burn has come back. Am i hallucinating now?

suddenly i hear a splash and my cup with water falls to the side, how did that happen?! im not even close to the cup, how did it fall? the water instantly goes towards Andrew and fall on his trousers.

once the water hits him, Andrew starts to low-key panic, to bad i also know what he hates the most. Embarrassment. 

Time for payback. 

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