chapter 13

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Andrew p.o.v

As expected when I arrive to the beach, Daniel and Sean look terrible, they're very pale and look like they are about to throw up at any moment. I don't see Madison anywhere so I assume she was feeling to sick to come to the beach.

I sit down next to Sean, who looks at me with a weak smile.

- hey man. you look sick, what happened? - I ask, trying not to give away that i certainly know better then him.

- i'm not sure... i think Daniel and i ate something bad... we both feel exactly the same way.

I look to the side and catch a glimpse of Emily comforting Daniel, she slowly gets up with him and starts walking in our direction, she looks at me and says:

- come with me.

without thinking twice i follow her until were out of earshot.

- so here is what were gonna do. Were going to Sean's house, sense his bedroom has two beds, and were going to cook this thing Nia showed me for Sean and Dan. And your going to help me because i cant do it alone - She says.

- wait what?

- well, when i woke up today Nia was there and apparently there are some things we can do to  help them get better faster and make them feel less ill.

- What about Madison?

- Nia said she could take care of her sense she is staying there anyway.

- Ok then lets go - He sighs. 

We go back slowly, both feeling guilty for what happened even tho its more Nia's fault then anyone else's, and Sean and Daniel probably feeling to weak to walk at a normal pace.

After finally making it to the apartment we open the door to Sean's house. The house doesn't have a lot of decorations, some framed photos were on the walls but nothing as extreme as in Madison's house. we pass through the kitchen and the living room and reach Sean's room, dark blue walls with big poster of some random basketball player, he is always telling me witch one it is but I just can't remember.

His room hasn't changed a bit, mostly because the only decoration that Sean has is that poster. i still vaguely remember the room before Sean's brother, Philip, left for France, there were drawings of monsters and fantastic creatures in every corner of the room, at that time, Sean's side also had more life. 

with the corner of my eye, i catch Emily, also staring at the blank walls, surely also trying to remember, her eyes passing through every centimetre of the empty wall.

- Don't bother trying to remember, no one does anymore. - Sean says, startling us a bit. Emily turns around to look at him, pity and sadness evident in her eyes.

- have you heard anything from him yet? - she asks uncertainly.

- No - He answers in a low voice, turning his body so his back is turned to us, obviously not wanting to be questioned further.

- were going to make you guys some food... if you need anything call us okay... - I say givin Emily a follow me look to witch she obliges without question.

- so hmm about that thing we were supposed to make ? - i ask, when we we get out of the room and close the door behind us, trying not to sound awkward. 

- oh yeah, that's up stairs, in my house. Nia gave me the ingredients, she is also doing the same for Madison, she bought more sense she figured we were going to want to do it.

By the cold way that she is talking to me i can tell that the events of yesterday have not been forgotten... i feel kind of bad, i guess she does have a point when she says I don't have to insult her all the time... I don't even really know why I did it.

Emily p.o.v

- Are you still mad at me? - Andrew asks.

- yes - i respond with out hesitation, not even sparing him a glare.

This sucks, being mad at him always sucks. even tho we fight i don't like being mad at him, but what would he think of me if i didn't! I have my pride, and i'm not just going to forgive him until i get my revenge, and right now i'm not really in the mood for revenge with all that is going on.

- look i'm sorry... i just, i had a feeling that i had to do it you know... i hadn't had the urge to insult you in a long time, and it felt weird, so i did.

- Look i don't even care anymore, at this point i'm numb to your insults, so just help me and shut up.

- If your going to be mad at me the i don't know i'm going to be helping you for.

- Your going to help me because i cant cook for shit and you don't know what were supposed to do so were going to have to do it together. It wouldn't be my first choice either. And if your not going to help me because you feel like you shouldn't so you can keep your mean persona then your being an even dickier dickhead then usual. Now shut up and come with me.

ugh what kind of insult dickier dickhead? why would i say something so stupid, his probably already laughing at me. Except i guess it worked because he follows me without saying another word until we get to my kitchen.

- so what are we cooking?

- This - i say, giving him a piece of paper with the instructions Nia wrote, while taking out the ingredients she gave me from the fridge and putting them in the counter.

- Emily, this is soup. you need my help to make soup?

- Come on Andrew, you know the only thing i can cook is super market pizza and noodles. And if Nia says it can help them then surely its no ordinary soup

He takes a quick look at the ingredients and turns back to me with a confused look.

- those are vegetables.

- no.... magic vegetables

-nope... they look like normal vegetables to me.

- well if you say so. then if you know how to make soup i'm going to go back to Sean's house and see if they need anything.

- no. stay. - he says almost to fast.

Next chapter were going to be seeing what is happening on the floor above, where Nia is supposed to be taking care of Madison.

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