Chapter 15

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Is it just me or is Madison being painfully honest with me right now. I have been spying her for the past days and she really didn't come as the type of person to do that.

- did you drug me? - she says, Completely shocking me.

- wha?

- what did you give me? surely I must've had something to be telling you this.

- I didn't drug you! - I didn't did I ? moon medicine doesn't count as a drug does it? It doesn't ! It isn't even supposed to have side effects! But of course I should've prepared for something like this since I'm feeding it to humans...

- would you tell me if you had?

Good question, would I ?

- that's not the point, I didn't drug you!

- oh come on, I've seen you glow. Was that why you drugged me?

Oh no... she saw me glow.

- How. When?

- a couple of times now... I know that's how you talk to your friends... you lied... you said they didn't ask you about your day, but they seemed very interested in what you had to say about us.

- there not my friends.

How can I turn this around? Another memory wipe would drain me and possibly kill her.

I guess the medicine made her painfully honest, witch I'm sure isn't a good sign because now she sick and can't even think before speaking.

- yeah, whatever you say. Now get these drugs out of me!

- That's medicine ok! I got it from your cabinet, it might be past due date...

Should I kill her? I know I could.

- ok sure. I believe you. I'm gonna sleep now. - well that was easy. 

and it is easy until Madison puts her head on my lap to quickly for me to move out of the way.

Great, now I have a passed out human on my lap. At least now I have more time to think about what to do about this.

Oh no, I gave some medicine to Emily to.

 I have to stop them from eating the soup, but I have no idea where they are and it's not like I have one of those cellphones or whatever. Oh god, what if Andrew and Emily eat it and start telling everyone the truth?

Andrew p.o.v

In no time the soup is ready, it really does look like normal soup to me, tho Emily keeps insisting it must be some kind of magic recipe.

- Nia is all magic, why would she tell us to do a non magic soup ?? - she says, leaning on the kitchen counter, inspecting the soup that is still boiling

- it isn't !! Look - I say back, getting a spoon from the drawer. I take a bit of soup with the spoon and blow some air on it to cool it down, and then to put it in my mouth.

- Yep, tastes like old regular vegetable soup to me.

- No way! Pass me a spoon!

I get another spoon from the drawer and pass it to her.

- yeah your mostly right, but I still feel like there is something else here...

- come on, let's go down already, they must be starving.

- no they're not, it's early in the afternoon, they must've already have lunch.

- yeah yeah know it all - wait, did I just say that out loud ?

- uh lets just go.

What did you just take? How did you get that

Why the fuck is he back? I though I was done with him, he sure hasn't bothered me in a while.

- Get out of my head you little fucker. Just let me beeeee - oh no. I said that out loud too.

- who is inside your head? - Emily asks, locking the door of her apartment and joining me in front of the elevator.

- this annoying guy - why did I just tell her that?

- oh I have one too. He comes at night. Nightmares...

- not that type of guy. This one is literally talking to me.

- isn't that your conscience?

- no, my conscious is nicer...

We get out of the elevator and head to Sean's apartment in silence. We head to the bedroom where they're both in a slow painful conversation about some new game.

- we give you... soup! Totally normal, we tried it! Here. - Emily says, going to the kitchen to get two bowls and spoons.

They sit up in the Bed and start to eat while me and Emily go to the living room.

Emily throws herself herself on the sofa and just stays there like a dead fish.

- are you feeling weird? Cuz I'm feeling weird - Emily asks.

- Now that I think about it, I am feeling weird.

Did the moon warrior give you something?

The voice says, sounding fainter then usual, like it was struggling to get to me.

- I don't think so... why does it matter anyway? Just leave me alone.

The voice seems to have left, so I go and lay next to Emily but on the floor. I start to feel sleepy while looking at Emily, but am abruptly taken back to reality when I hear Sean screaming for Emily.

- WHhhHAaaatt? - she whines

- come here please!!! I need to tell you something.

I get startled seeing Emily wake up, praying that she didn't catch me staring. She looks down at me and gives me a big goofy smile.

- your hair looks nice dingus. - she says, giving me a kiss on the cheek. She then gets up and starts walking to Sean's room, leaving me speechless.

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