chapter 21

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Nia p.o.v


No no no no no no!

- where the fuck is he!? - I shout at Emily who looks equally horrified.

- I I I don't know he was here I - she struggles to explain.

I don't have time or energy for this, not after all that happened today. Emily must be my priority, Andrew Is more of a side job. If Andrew just disappeared out of thin air then this is obviously the cretors doing. My energy is too low to fight one of them, it would be of no use even if we found him.

- you need to go home - I say, as firmly as possible, praying that she wont try to defy me on this.

- No way! we have to search for him! How can you even think of leaving him here! In Paris! kidnapped! He doesn't even speak french for gods sake!! - she says, obviously about to cry, no surprise there. (god these humans are such crybaby's, seriously, there are thousands of things worse then being kidnapped!)

- We'll search for him tomorrow. You have to get to safety. Andrew got kidnapped, that's a shame, but if you get kidnapped, it could be the end of a civilization.

- No, we'll search for him now, and that's final.

well i was really hoping that i wouldn't have to force her to go back, but hope is never something you should ever rely on.

- Sure Emily, your right, lets go - i say, motioning for her to come closer, her face obviously saying 'well that was surprisingly easy'.

The moment i see her completely relax I grab her arm tightly a teleport us back to her apartment.

When I look at Emily she looks confused, then angry, very angry

- You fucking bitch. Take me back RIGHT THIS SECOND. - she says, with a certain hint of savage in her eyes and without a doubt already agitating all the water near her, I'm so happy I didn't teleport us to the beach, that would've been a real disaster.

- you can plead all you want, even if I wanted to take you back I couldn't because my energy levels are so low. - I carefully respond, trying not to upset her even more, afraid she might crack and totally loose it.

- your full of crap! use some of mine then! - she screams.

- I can't really do that...

- well you cant really leave someone alone in the middle of Paris and look at you doing it! - she says , slightly trembling.

- I'm sorry? - i try. That's what humans say to each other when they want the other to calm down Isn't it?

- No your not! your an emotionless robot! 

Auch, I'm not that emotionless am I? I mean, I don't feel a lot of physical pain sense I've been taught and trained to tolerate and ignore it, but I do have feelings, and they have been through quite a lot today.

- Your hard as steal! And look I don't even care if your a robot or not! Its not a problem if you don't want to come with me! Just let me go find him!

- No, and that's it. - I say closing the door. gosh she even managed to piss me off!

- You and your boyfriend have fun in hell! - I shout, not caring who hears.

- His not my boyfriend!!! - i hear from the other side

well this human is surprisingly aggressive.

I get inside Madison's apartment slamming the door and walking to our now shared bedroom.

- woah girl ! Hold you horses! - she says in a weak voice, her blond hair all over her face, obviously just woken up.

- Not now please! - I say between gritted teeth, letting myself flop on the bed beside hers

- Rough day I see... - she says, turning to me.

- Rough day indeed...


Madison p.o.v

The room is practically dark but even the faint moonlight coming in from the half closed window is hurting my eyes. 

But even with my vision at it's worse I can tell that Nia is crying. I don't think she knows I know, I'm sure she would've stopped right away if she knew.

Nothing in Nia gives away that she's crying except for the tiny sniff she made just a couple of seconds ago.

- That bad of a day huh? - I ask, trying to comfort her.

By the way she quickly turns around away from me I can tell she doesn't want to talk. or maybe she does, just not with me. To bad I'm all she's got right now.

- Are you going to call your friends? - I ask as calmly as possible.

- No - she responds in tiny voice.

Nia has broken, she pretend to be hard as steal but you could more easily compare her to cheese, It gets squashed and in a terrible condition, it brakes and come back together. I'm not sure if that makes sense, I am no expert in cheese.

- You could talk to me you know...? - I ask, sitting cross legged on my bed, I wont be able to fall asleep with her like this besides me, my conscience won't let me.

- I don't want to talk to anyone - she says, her voice completely contradicting her words.

- well you might not want to but you have to, It's the only way you get ease the hurt a little bit. Come on, you can tell me whats going on.

- Emily and Andrew kissed today - wait what?! If I had water in my mouth right now I would definitely spit it out. I though they hated each other, how did that happen?

- why are you sad about that? do you have a crush on Andrew or something - I ask, trying to hold back my laughter - or do you maybe have a crush on Emily?

- what? oh my god no, but don't you like Andrew? -

- oh god no, I mean, I can see why you would think that, I'm a pretty good actor aren't I? I have a reputation to keep, and liking Andrew is part of it and Emily knows that very well and so does Andrew, tho i think he doesn't like it much. I couldn't care less who he is kissing, except if that person is Emily, tell me all about it! How did they end up kissing each other?? I bet it was an accident, they must be pissed at each other right now. - I say between chuckles. 

- I don't think it was an accident at all, they seemed pretty into it - she says, i small smile making its way to her lips - I was also under the impression they hated each other, but I'm guessing they don't anymore. 

Don't worry guys, will go see how Andrew is doing in the next chapter :)

Also, do you guys like cheese? I love cheese. I know this is so random hahaha.

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