CHAPTER 8 - Secrets

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Rose's PO.V.

I strolled down the corridor, attempting to locate Ben's bedroom after he moved out from his old one. (I heard the name Rinwana, and became strangely curious.)  Then I dashed straight past a pair of golden double doors, engraved with so many patterns and pictures of the different killers I lost count. I had always been so drawn to that door for some reason. It had the carvings of some Creepy Pastas I didn't even KNOW about. I remember Jeff telling and showing the one of one named Jane. I had always wanted to meet her as well.

I suddenly leaned too hard against the door, and it creaked open ever so  slightly. I gasped, but then covered it as quick as possible when I heard the voices. My ear pressed against the keyhole, my eyes making out Slender, and the Proxies. I didn't want to butt in on private coverstain like how it was, because I wasn't like that. Oh screw me, I listened to the conversation as much as I could.

" - What about everyone else?!"

"They'll live!" Toby wiped his brow, looking anxious at Slender's rapid reply. Masky shook his head vigorously, collapsing into one of the velvet seats.

"The answer's NO Slender. I am NOT gonna leave Violet for the world. And everyone else. And what about Rinwana? I thought you had feelings for her? You think it's just okay to NOT eliminate Rinwana - not that I have anything against her, she's nice - but still. You want to not eliminate her, though you don't really give a shit about any of the other Selected? You think you can - "

"Enough, Masky." Slender's voice was thick with annoyance.

"Nope. you CANNOT just lock her up in your basement for a while and eventually kick Ben out of his room, just so you can build her own secret bedroom next to your Surgery! Why don't you let all the other girls in on the secret as well? They might as well know Rinwana's still alive, she had best FRIENDS y'know. Unlike you." Ouch. That gotta hurt. I mentally noted myself to owe Masky one.

"Now Masky! We will let Rinwana in on our secret, because she's special."

"Well, no offence to your poor judgement, but that means they're ALL fucking special!"

" Tim, please don't!" Hoodie - or Brian - shoved his hands in his pockets, looking worried for his brother. We all knew what was coming.

Masky struck back, like he had just been shot. He gasped in agony, the whole of his body erupting into spasms of pain, and torture. Slender had all of  his tentacles folded. I hated him more than ever now. "Now, stop writhing and get up! I promised to meet Nurse Anne soon, to prepare the details for our "trip" " He did air quotes, and I grew worried.

I felt sorry for Masky. "Never.. I'm NOT... going to ask THAT bitch for help... and.. I'm not gonna leave..." He groaned, smacking his head into the wall as he did so, which must have been the pressure of Slender's torture. He gasped again, biting his lip as he curled onto his side - was he stuck on his rib cage or something? Toby and Hoodie cowered in fear, waiting for all of this to stop. Their faces produced enough evidence to prove this didn't look like the sort of Slender they had ever come across. I took a step back, when another girl walked through the door - a familiar girl. Then I gasped, everything flooding back to me - it all pieced perfectly together. But Rinwana looked different... She was -

Drop-dead gorgeous was what she was now. Dark green hair which slid to her waist, smoky-rimmed pink eyes - such a vivid, shocking pink, I was breathless. Perfect cheekbones. Perfect, plump lips. Perfect face overall . She wore a black lace cloak-top, which showed off half of her flawless arm - bulging with the right amount of bicep, tinged, making her skin look somewhat like dappled moonlight. She also wore ripped denim shorts, and knee-high black leather boots. One problem which I had just realised though - where her left arm was supposed to be - it had the right shape. But the wrong colour - it was...... it looked like... metal?

I slammed a hand over my mouth as quickly as I could before I did something I would regret. I stumbled backwards, and almost crashed into the wall, my heart pounding. She WAS alive! Why had I always denied that?

I received the courage to look back again, getting a reality check done here. How did she look like... that? So beautiful, so strong, so unnatural. Oh Jemima - I just realised - she had Transformed. Slender Transformed her. Into one of them. I felt the bile crawl up my throat, but I tried to swat away the feeling.

Of course, I had surveyed all of that in under ten seconds. The next thing which had happened was "Rinwana" gasping, and making a dash towards Masky, who was being mentally whipped until he had the feeling of death wrung upon him. She didn't say anything - probably speechless. On the other hand, she ushered her hands out, defending him. Masky looked terrible, his cheeks flushed red with embarrassment and anger. She still didn't say anything, but dropped down beside him and wrapped her arms around his poor, beaten up body which had appeared to make out he was being beaten black and blue - but obviously no physical evidence.

Slender Man wavered a little, staring down at his own bare hands. Then back at Rinwana, who looked absolutely disgusted. Why wouldn't she speak? "Don't tell ANYONE about my plans. We will discuss the details with Nurse Anne later - during in which you WILL be there. Plus I'm sure she'd want to see you again."

"I'm not leaving. You can torture me all you want, 'cause I'm not gonna die. I'm not leaving everyone here."

"You're not even allowed to tell Violet. NO ONE," It was like he hadn't even heard Masky speak. "You WILL be ready, and you Proxies will assist me, and Rinwana of course." She glowered at him, and stuck up her middle finger. Slender barely flinched. "I don't want any goodbyes, or anything like that, and I won't have to deal with that. We are going to leave this mansion when They come, and gather all defence we have on our side. We don't know when it will happen exactly. All I have been informed on so far - we've been discovered. We're leaving this place and all it's current inhabitants. All other Pasta's and our winners, or Title-Holders , or whatever you want to call them of this year's Proxy Trials will have no choice but to survive what destiny hands them." Rinwana was still hugging Masky, he still looked like he had just been though agony. It all looked like news to the others. This was news to ME. I straightened myself up, wiping away a rapidly growing tear in my eyes. I either die in the Trials... Or suffer whatever it was Destiny handed me.

Now was the time to make that choice.


A/N: So Rinwana's alive, yay! Will Rose tell everybody else, or will she keep to herself? x Read on x (:

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