☠... The Fourth Trial... ☠

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The Mirror Trial:

In the distance, a small glimmer of white light projected the farthest away point they could all see. All was silent except the heavy, terrified breathing rooted towards herself. Why? Know one knew why, but the question which came to most was HOW?

Xandra blinked. Her eyes became wary that she wasn't in an elongated dream and that in fact, she felt like she had been thrown, slapped and drugged, all at the same time. If that was possible.

She stood up groggily, swaying ever so slightly, and almost crashing into what was a cold wall behind her. Another light flickered on, then another. And another. Suddenly, a thin halo of light beamed across the border of the room she found herself in. She thought she caught a glimpse of her reflection - she thought.

All of a sudden, a bloodcurdling scream echoed through the room, and all lights switched on shockingly, making Xandra gasp in surprise. She was definitely in a room. Lined with nothing but mirror.

Xandra watched her face time and again, there seemed to be a hundred of her, a thousand. She ran to the closest and smashed into it, where could she find a door? Suddenly, the heavy sleeping feeling disappeared without remain and she was so extremely aware of her surroundings, a bit too aware. Then she heard a freaky laugh from not too far away, and she could have sworn that laugh was...hers?!

Don't be silly, Xandra.She thought silently, trying to look for the owner of the laugh. "Who's there?" She froze, completely still and studied all the faces through the eternity of reflections, all frowning in confusion right back at her, except for the one who kept on smiling, like the human spitting image of the Cheshire Cat. Xandra ran up to the wall, but her head began to whirl around her, revolve. Gosh, even the floor as made from maybe a thousand mirrors. Whoever created this place must've been QUITE vain. She thought to herself again, but turned her attention back to the figure which so wasn't her, yet was at the same time. She moved, and It moved, but only to fold her arms and lean against the mirror coolly. Strangely she wouldn't stop grinning, which began to freak Xandra out more and more. "Guess what?" The reflection smirked, scanning her fingernails. "I stole your face." 

How cold. The real Xandra pressed her hand against the mirror glass where her clone's elbow was leaning on, and she jumped back. "Why are you so dang creepy? I mean, you're just ME. Yet i feel so unsafe around myself, can i call you myself? wait even though that's you, but you're still kinda me, which is enough. Right?" They both watched each other, conufsing the other out. "Just come out, will you? This place is giving me the creeps." Xandra hit the mirror with her fist, and she jumped back, gawping in surprise when she smashed the glass into shards after that little punch. The mirror was now pitch black though, no clones here.

On the spur of the moment, a few of the lights flickered and switched off, sparking haphazardly. SHE laughed again, but louder and so much more closer. Then Xandra looked in the mirrors again, and every single one grinned back. "Here's a simple enough task for you Xandra." The reflections murmured. The real Xandra scuttled into a corner, and crouched low, feeling so outnumbered, and for once, terrified. Why did she feel so alone. It was only one of her. And one of HER, so why did she feel like there were so many more of them?

Xandra suddenly became prone to the how ridiculous all of this was. This lead to her smashing another mirror, then another. And another, but the creepy laugh only got louder, and closer and she realised she was screaming herself, trying to block out that ugly laugh. So many noises replaying over and over again - smashing, breaking, screaming, and laughing of course. Xandra didn't understand, what was she supposed to do? She was in a Trial, that much was obvious. But why? Why an exact copy of herself that she had to go up against. But it hit her like a bombshell, and it made her bite her lip in anxiety.

The Proxy Trials 2... Annihilation (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora