CHAPTER 3 - I smell heartbreak on my hands.

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Dawn's P.O.V.

I chucked one last knife at the target. It hit the middle and I punched the air, victorious. " I AM INVINCIBLE!" I shouted for the whole world to hear. Sakura threw me a weird look and to break all awkwardness, I laugh happily and am literally floating through the mansion doors.

I was planning to bound up to my bedroom, but I was somehow drawn to a muffled giggling from nearby. My eyes grew wide, alert - I bet it was Masky and Violet, maybe I should "accidentally" walk in on them doing stuff...wait, but I'm not THAT cold. They could REALLY be doing stuff. Meh, oh well.  I chuckle to myself and follow the noises.

I found myself in navigating towards the living room, so instinct got the better of me and I wrapped my hand around the brass door handle, my ear pressed against the keyhole. I stifled a laugh.

"Stop it, I'm supposed to be training!"

"Who gives a fig about training?"

"Um, YOU give a fig! you know I need to practise or that's it."

That wasn't  Masky. He cared too much about Violet to force her NOT to train. So who was it...?

"Maybe if you donate a kidney or two to me, you'll have to be out of the competition, then I'll have possession over you." The female voice burst into giggles and those sloppy noises could only mean one thing. And the kidneys.

And then I HAD to just had to press my weight against the handle, causing the door to push open, and I fixated my face into a look of shock and not hurt after collapsing against the carpet. Eyeless Jack and Maria sprang apart, which proved my theory to be correct. I got up shakily, forcing a clumsy grin. "Oh, I'm such a klutz! I didn't mean to walk in on you two... um..." I spun round, trying to get my feet to move, but they didn't. Ugh I hate myself sometimes, my body betrays my brain.

All of a sudden, Violet, Masky, and Rose burst in, evidently laughing. And then they stood still, examining the bombshell they had witnessed.

"Stop lying, asshole. You KNOW you walked in on us on purpose, and why aren't you at training?" Did he just...? He did. There's a b*tch sitting practically on your lap who doesn't seem to be in Training, I'd find that just a little bit hard to miss.

"Just 'cause you have a little girl crush on me, you look like a little girl, and you act like one - I don't like you back." I stopped dead, my hands bunching up into fists. I didn't have a little girl crush on him, who did he think he was? I was suddenly on the brink of tears. What else could I say?

"I'm sorry, I didn't.. sorry, I...I've never had a crush on you." Maria ran her nails along his toned arms, "You didn't have to go that far, that was a little bit harsh. And anyway, I know what she did was wrong with the whole filing thing, but still..." Wait, what was she talking about?

Jack pulled his mask over his eye-sockets. "You're lucky I haven't told Slender about you stealing other selected's files."

"What?! I don't understand,"

"Oh shut up - "

Masky jumped to it. Literally nose to nose with Jack, he was almost shaking with anger. "How dare you speak to Dawn like that? She did nothing wrong, so apologise." Violet leaned her elbow against Jack's shoulder, amused. "You're quite fortunate it's not ME you got mouthy with, otherwise he'd go Titan on you." A slight smile creeped up on Masky's face, but faded almost instantly.

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