Chapter Nine

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The sun was just peaking over the distant hills when I awoke with a start, everything from the previous night flooding back into my mind. I sat up, back sore from lying on the hard ground, and scanned the surrounding area for Zorro and Bernardo. On the boulder near me knelt Zorro, no doubt watching for Monastario and his guards. Bernardo stood by the horses, patting them and looking nervous and somewhat guilty when he noticed me watching him.

"How did you sleep, Senorita?" Zorro asked me, climbing down from his post.

I rubbed my stiff shoulder and cringed a bit when I got to my feet, my back feeling as though I had slept on sharp, pointy rocks all night. "I have had worse nights."

He gave me a small comforting smile and gently patted my arm as he walked past me to get to his horse. Bernardo moved out of the way, still looking sheepish and guilty. Clasping his hands together, he went and sat on a small boulder, eyes falling to the ground. 

I felt bad that he was so upset and decided he had had long enough to think about the wrong things he had done. With a small sigh, I approached him, Bernardo not daring to look up at me. "My friend, please do not trouble yourself any longer," I started. "I understand why you kept things secret. And I should apologize for hitting you at that fiesta... I just did not want my time with Don Diego ruined."

Bernardo looked at me with surprise and alarm. Zorro, too, glanced at me with some astonishment. "How did you know that was Bernardo? It could have been me," Zorro spoke up.

"That is a very good question, Senor," I replied, turning to him. "I thought about it for a long time last night until it finally clicked."

"And what clicked to help you know he was Bernardo?" Zorro seemed almost nervous.

"The way he was using his rapier," I explained. "He was wielding it well, but not like you do."

Both men practically sighed with great relief. Zorro put on his big toothy grin. "You have a good eye, Senorita."

I knew I had made them nervous by thinking I knew Zorro's identity. I hoped that by doing so, they might give me some clues as to who he might be, but nothing came up. The only thing I did not tell them was that I was sure the real Zorro had been at the fiesta that night, out of costume, otherwise, why would he have sent Bernardo to crash the party? It just did not make sense. If I said anything, Zorro would just brush it off.

The trio remained in their hidden campsite for a few more hours, Zorro sharing some food he had stashed in his saddle bag for emergencies like this. They spent most of their time discussing what should be done about Monastario and his men, as well as the Velvet Swan... if Monastario was not the Velvet Swan. 

Zorro wanted very badly to ride out to Monterey to save Don Alejandro before anything else. He talked almost as if he knew Alejandro well, more than just friends, though. He spoke like Alejandro was a dear family member that he could not bare to lose. I did not want to lose him either, Alejandro being the closest thing to a father I had ever had.

"Father..." I said aloud to myself, mind racing. Zorro must be related to Alejandro somehow. Diego then came to my mind and I felt the tears coming on. My poor Diego. I wished with all my heart I could see him and make sure that he was well. Even though I did not know where he was, I had a feeling that he was still alive. All I had to do was find him. I would never give up until we were reunited once more. I then looked at Zorro, eyes burning with determination. "I agree that we should find Alejandro. He must be where the Velvet Swan is... and Diego." I said the last part so quietly that I was sure neither of the men heard it.

 "We must first get Bernardo his own horse, then we can take the journey to Monterey. We can gather supplies on our way," Zorro said. He really had heard the last part of my sentence, but decided to keep from mentioning it.

The Velvet Swan (Disney's Zorro Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя