Chapter Five

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My eyes fluttered open to find myself in some kind of cave. There was a lantern next to me, and to the right of me were two horses. One was completely black, and the other looked familiar, a white Andalusian mare with one black sock on her left front leg. I tried to sit up, but the sharp pain in my stomach made me stop... that is when I remembered. "Oh my goodness," I said to myself in horror, lying back down on the blankets under me, staring up at the cave's ceiling.

"She is awake," a male voice said to the left of me. I looked in the direction of the voice only to find myself face to face with el Zorro himself... again.

I pulled back in fright. "What is happening?"

"It is okay. You are safe now," he said kindly. "I had to keep you here for fear of hurting you even more. The doctor has tended to your wound to the best of his ability."

I looked down at my stomach and saw I was now in a nightgown. My cheeks burned red with embarrassment. "Where are my clothes?"

Zorro pointed to a pile of cloth behind me, then, as if he could read my thoughts said, "Do not worry, I was not here."

I nodded in response, and shifted nervously. "May I ask... what were you doing at the fiesta. You almost hit me."

Zorro looked down. "Monastario and I had to settle some differences, and I apologize. My aim that night was not the greatest."

"Well... I am sorry I hit you."

He gave me a kind smile to help comfort me, then sat in the dirt by me and thought for a moment. "Rosa... why did you run away again? I thought you were happy with the de la Vegas."

My heart skipped a beat remembering that odd conversation Alejandro and Diego had had, and was about to tell him, but then stopped and glared. "Why do you care so much about my relationship with the de la Vega's? Why do you even care about me? We hardly even know each other. I do not know who you really are."

El Zorro looked down. "I wish I could tell you, but it is too dangerous."

Looking back at the horses, I tried to think of a way to change the subject, so I said, "That horse... is it yours?"

Zorro glanced at the white mare and shook his head. "I must admit I have seen her around, but have not been able to catch her. She is faster than my own horse, but... she has not left this place since she brought you here."

I smiled slyly up at him. "Faster than your own horse, huh?"

He raised his eyebrows and pointed at me. "Do not get any ideas about running off again."

I just chuckled and shook my head in amusement. "Do not worry yourself, yet, Senor. I am in no condition to run."

He gave me another small smile to see me laugh. He could tell I would not answer his other questions, so he stood and went over to his black steed. He petted the handsome horse for a moment, then tried to pat the white one, but she whinnied loudly and took a step back, so he abandoned that idea. I laughed a little at his reaction, making him glare at me. "She does not let anyone touch her. You think you can do better?" He said challengingly.

I nodded, reaching for him. "Help me up."

"Oh, no. I was only joking," he quickly apologized, but soon noticed that I was not when I raised my eyebrows. "All right. Just... be careful."

He gently lifted me up to my feet by grabbing me under my arms. He then helped keep me steady as I walked up to the white mare. Once I was close enough, he moved behind me, so as to not scare the horse very much. I reached out my hand towards her soft, grey nose, but did not have to reach far. The horse put her face in my hand and snorted softly. "Does your horse like her?" I wondered.

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