Chapter Seven

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Pablo smirked, "I believe we have not met, senorita. Tell me, what do you call yourself?"

I had never thought about it before. If I was going to be like Zorro, I would have to have another name. People could not know who I really was in this line of work. "Uh..." I glanced around for moment until I spotted a little coyote dash by, "the White Coyote."

"The White Coyote, eh?" Pablo chuckled and pressed the blade even harder against Diego's neck. Poor Diego looked so angry and scared. I took a step closer, holding out my hand, fear beginning to wash over me. That was when I finally realized that I truly loved Diego, and meant it this time. He was the only one I ever wanted to be with, to love. "You care for this young boy, do you not? I mean, with what I just saw, it is quite clear. Listen, if you want your lover to live, bring me the girl, Rosa. All you have to do is hand her over and you will never see me again."

"Please, let him go," I begged, tears stinging my eyes.

Pablo held is ground. He was not going to back down very easily, and there was no way I could do anything without him hurting Diego. Even if he let Diego go, we could not fight him off. There was only one way to settle this. I looked at Diego sadly, who shook his head, seeming to know what I was thinking. I was not sure if he knew it was me, but even then, he could tell what was going to happen. I ignored it.

"If I bring you the girl, you must promise not to harm Diego or Bernardo, or any of their friends or family in any way," I told him. "You must leave and never return."

Pablo nodded slowly. "As you wish, White Coyote." I turned back toward the hacienda, but froze when Pablo yelled at me. "Stay here, girl! I do not trust you. Send the quiet one, and do not recruit anymore masked freaks to your embarrassingly pathetic rescue party."

Bernardo glanced at me with uncertainty, and hurried away when I nodded. I was not sure how we would pull this off, but Bernardo was clever. I still could not believe that he had pretended to be deaf. Why was that?

Several painfully long minutes passed and Pablo was growing impatient. If something did not happen soon, he would most likely kill Diego. I knew that I needed to give myself up now or lose the love of my life. Taking a step forward, head bowed, I began to speak, "Senor Pablo--"

Jumping out from behind the stables came Zorro the Fox himself, rapier in hand. He slashed Pablo's arm before Pablo could even blink, causing him to let go of Diego and cry out in pain. Diego dropped to his hands and knees, turning to try and grab Pablo's weapon. Pablo angrily hit Diego on the forehead with the hilt, knocking him to the ground. I gasped, but Diego acted quickly and got to his feet, then got out of the way of the blades that were now waving around and clashing. I rushed forward to assist Zorro, bringing the hilt of my weapon down on my enemy's head just like he had done to Diego. I had hit him so hard, he froze, then flopped to the ground as if dead. 

Everyone stared at him in shock for a moment before Diego knelt next to Pablo and checked on him. "He's still alive."

I looked up at Zorro, hoping to thank him, but he was already gone. I hoped Diego had not recognized me.

"Senora," he said, getting to his feet. Blood was slowly trickling down his forehead. I wanted so bad to tend to his wound, but if I got too close, he might recognize me... if he hadn't already. "I cannot thank you enough for helping me. I did not know there was another like Zorro."

My heart started beating wildly. He didn't recognize me. I tried to look all heroic and brave, but my voice quivered when I spoke, "I am new here. I was inspired by the stories of el Zorro, so I thought I could be like him and help people. I was passing by when your mute friend got my attention and brought me here."

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