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I could feel my heart pounding hard and fast in my chest as I silently crept across the office where the guard, Juan, always keeps "watch." Usually he would have fallen fast asleep by now, but I did not see him anywhere.

Worried my whole mission was ruined, I hurried to the back door. Still, I saw no one. There was something suspicious about this strange occurrence, but I was so eager to get going that I did not care. As I left the old building, I took a deep breath. The cool night air felt so wonderful... it smelled of freedom. Finally, I could do what I wanted, be what I wanted. No one could tell me what to do anymore. I would be my own person.

I noticed that the one horse we use for certain things, such as deliveries, was not in his stall. Something strange must be going on. Well, I had made it this far, I might as well just walk.

Quickly, I left the shelter of this horrid place and marched right out into the wilderness. It was so dark, I could hardly see the road, but I did not let that scare me away.

After it seemed as though hours had passed by, I could feel my feet begin to hurt and my legs were just about to give out. I had to find a place for the night or I might not make it anywhere!

I did not see anything that could be used as a campsite until I finally stumbled upon an old, abandoned house. It was very small and all the glass was shattered, but at least it would be safer than being outside.

The door creaked open as I made my way into the pitch blackness of this little place. I felt around and found a nice spot on the floor that would do just fine. I lied down on the hard, rotten floor boards and rested my head on my arm. The first night of my freedom... it could have been better, but it was a start.

At last, my eyelids got heavier and heavier, and before I knew it, I had fallen into an uneasy slumber; a slumber that was quickly ruined by a loud noise from the other side of the house and I swore I heard someone say, "Oops."

My eyes shot open. I could see a little better now, but still not enough to be able to tell if anything or anyone was in here with me. I waited for about five terribly frightening minutes before convincing myself it was nothing. I lied back down and tried to go back to sleep, which would have probably worked out, but just seconds later, I felt something extremely hard hit the side of my head... and that is how this whole thing began.

The Velvet Swan (Disney's Zorro Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora