Chapter Three

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Diego cheerfully entered the living room one Thursday afternoon, pausing when he noticed I was at the piano. He silently watched me play my favorite piece on the beautiful piano near the dining table, unbeknownst to me. When the song ended, he clapped, making me gasp and flip around. "That was beautiful!"

My cheeks flushed pink as I stood up. "Gracias, Don Diego. My... friend taught it to me." Diego looked especially nice today, with his fancy brown jacket, vest and trousers, a black shirt underneath, and a red necktie.  

"What friend?"

I looked away and cleared my throat. "Just a friend I had once. Um... do you want something?"

Diego's mind seemed to wonder for a moment, but then he took in a breath and replied, "Actually, yes! I was wondering if you might want to ride into the pueblo with me today? My father worries about having you stuck in the house so much, so he thought another shopping trip might brighten your mood."

I raised my eyebrows with a slight air of annoyance, but there was also a teasing bit to it. "Brighten my mood? What is wrong with my mood, de la Vega?"

He did his little nervous gesture where he sort of waves his arms around a lot. "Well, you just seem a little... I don't know, sad?"

I sighed. "I suppose I am."

"Can I do anything to help?" Diego inquired, moving closer.

Looking back up at his handsome face, a small smile formed on my lips when he stopped in front of me. Diego had been particularly busy these passed few days, and I had wanted ever so much to spend some time with him again. "A ride to the pueblo sounds lovely. How about we have dinner at the tavern?"

Diego's adorable toothy grin appeared. "That sounds wonderful. Shall we?"

He held out his arm for me to grab, causing me to blush even more, but I was brave enough to slide my hand onto his arm and allow him to lead me out to the stables where he saddled up our horses. He even let me use that brown stallion I had practically stolen a week ago. That made me a feel a little awkward, remembering Zorro. Why had he followed me and who was he? How did he know so much about me?

At last, our ride there began, and as I expected, was very full of conversation. I just tried not to sound like an idiot in front of him as he asked me questions and told funny stories about his life adventures. Not even the hot sun could ruin a moment like this for me. I cherished every second of it.

Ahead, I could see the pueblo. Like always, it was very busy with everyone doing their everyday things. I liked to be around all the people, which I did not think I would ever like. Perhaps my dream of the future was changing?

We stopped by the tavern and Diego tied the horses there, then came round to me. "Here," Diego said, grabbing my waist and lifting me off my horse.

"Gracias," I grinned, gladly following him into the tavern.

There were many people in here today, even more than usual. One of those people was the Capitan. He was sitting at a table with a strange man who had dark, curly hair, and an evil glint in his eye. I had heard Diego and Alejandro talk about how Monastario had some kind of man of the law make it look as though everything he does is not against the law. That made me dislike the Capitan a little, but, I had to admit it to myself, he was handsome.

Diego pulled out a chair for me by the fireplace to the left of the bar where people make their orders. I kept a close eye on the Capitan to see if I could learn anything important about his crimes, and tried to act natural in front of Diego at the same time, but once I noticed that the Comandante was staring back, I became really uncomfortable. "What do you suppose he wants?" I asked halfway through dinner.

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