Chapter Four

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The next day, I woke up with the biggest smile on my face. Just lying in bed for a while,  I re-imagined the time I had had with Diego the night before. Oh, how wonderful it had all been, but then I remembered my plan for leaving. It was still on my mind. Stay... or go? 

I slid out of bed and changed into my grey dress for the day. Leaving my hair down, I made sure it was nicely brushed. I had to stop moving for a moment to think about it again... stay, or go?

My heart felt like it was falling to pieces as tears stung my eyes. I moved over to my window and looked out over the vast desert ending at the large mountains in the distance, the light blue sky and white clouds clashing with the dull brown of this place. It was beautiful in my opinion, but it did not seem to make me feel better... until...

"Rosa!" I heard Diego's voice.

Startled, I looked behind me first, but when he called my name again, I realized he was outside. Quickly, I turned and found him near my window on his horse, Bernardo just mounting his. I waved and smiled, trying to pretend I was okay.

"We are going out for a short ride. Could you tell my father we will be back on time for dinner? I had something of great importance I wanted to discuss with him," Diego told me, squinting his eyes to see me better through the bright sun rays.

I nodded. "Anything for you, Diego. Be careful."

"I will," he replied and was about to ride off, but as a second thought, he turned back around and said, "te amo."

"What does that mean?" I questioned.

"Look in that book about Latin I gave you," he shouted with a sly grin, then galloped away. Bernardo looked at me with confusion and shrugged before following him.

I did not wait to rush to my closet and pull out the Latin book Diego gave me a few days ago because I wanted to learn a different language. Flipping through the pages, I replayed what he said in my mind over and over again until finally, I pieced it together. "I love you." I blushed so much I was sure my face was the same color as a tomato. Diego always complemented me, but he had never said this before, even last night. Well, his kiss was his reply to me basically saying I love him. Now... he actually said it out loud, to my face. Chuckling, I glanced at the window again. Finally, I felt like my mind was decided. I wanted to stay here with the de la Vega's, this was where I truly wanted to be. 


It was just after dinner, and Diego and Alejandro thought I had gone to bed, but I was just looking at the stars in the courtyard... until I heard my name mentioned. Out of curiosity, I  hesitantly snuck up to the window. They both stood by the fireplace, Diego leaning his arm on the mantle and staring into the fire.

"And what about her, Diego?" Alejandro wondered.

Diego nodded. "Father, I respect your judgement, but she is just not right for me."

My heart skipped a beat. Wait... was he talking about... me? I moved closer, straining my ears even more.

"But... are you sure about this. Is this what you want? She does not have any money."

My eyebrows knit together in confusion. What was he talking about?

"Money does not matter to me, father. But she is young and I am afraid she will refuse. She does have quite the temper and not much patience. I do not know if that is what she will want."

I was even more confused about what they were talking about, but hearing Diego say those mean things hit me hard. Did he not love me? I thought he just told me he did earlier today? I had thought he was the kindest man in the whole world, but now... he showed that he was just like everybody else. He did not truly care for me in any way, and it seemed that Alejandro felt the same.

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