Chapter Fourteen

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I sat in the cold dirt, hugging my knees to my chest as I stared up at the star filled sky, waiting for Diego and Monastario to come to. I had done my best to dress Diego's wound, making sure to put his mask back on afterward. As for Monastario, all he deserved was to be tied up, so that's what I did.

At first I had been surprised about Diego being Zorro, but now that I thought about it, it made sense. That's how he knew so much about me, and that's how he knew I was the White Coyote. And that is why he had Bernardo dress up as him during the fiesta. I wondered if he really would have told me about him being Zorro that day before everything turned to chaos? I sighed and glanced over at Tornado and Casamontero munching on some weeds near the bushes we were hiding behind with Monastario's horse. "I am glad I have you," I told them.

Casamontero glanced at me and nickered gently in reply, her dark eyes full of love as she gazed at me. She was unlike any horse I had ever met. She was brave and clever and she always seemed to know what was going on. It was almost like she was a person.

I rubbed my now bruised arm and flinched when I checked my sore ribs. That jump was one of the craziest things I had ever done in my life, but at least it got me away from Pablo, even if it did end with a few cracked ribs. No doubt Pablo was searching for us. For all I knew, Maria could have been captured by now. I just hoped those nasty men hadn't hurt her.


I was by Diego's side in a flash, despite my own pain. He looked slightly dazed and confused as I helped him sit up. "Take it easy. You got a terrible blow to the head."

He held to his injury and glanced around, becoming alarmed when he noticed Monastario. "What happened?"

"Monastario came and attacked you," I explained. "He almost pulled off your mask... but I-I stopped him. And I dressed your wound." I wanted so badly to give him a big hug and a kiss and let him know that I knew he was Diego, but something in my gut was telling me to wait. This wasn't the right moment for that. Besides, after all he had done to hide it from me, and all that teasing... I felt that just letting him know that I knew wasn't the right approach. I was going to give him a taste of his own medicine.

"Did you by any chance, see my face?" He asked. I could tell he was worried about it, his dark eyes searching my face for an answer. He almost looked hopeful, like he wanted me to say yes, but also afraid that I would.

"All I did was dress your wound, Zorro," I replied as calmly as possible. I tried to keep my face unreadable.

He let out a heavy sigh, but I couldn't tell if it was more from relief or sadness. "Come, Rosa. We must head to the rendezvous point. Bernardo should be there by now if he was successful in getting the message to Don Alejandro."

"What message?"

"Maria let us know that Senor Hernandez is not to be trusted," Zorro told me, slowly getting up to his feet and cringing from pain. "I had sent Don Alejandro off to get some help from trusted men around here, and our plan was to go and get Senor Hernandez as well..."

I put my hand to my mouth. "That would have been catastrophic. I hope Bernardo made it."

"As do I," he nodded, then his dark eyes met mine, making my heart skip a beat. "Rosa... how are you? Did Hernandez hurt you at all?"

I wanted to swoon at his tenderness towards me. "Hernandez did not harm me, but I was hurt when I jumped out a window to escape Pablo. But it is nothing."

"You jumped out a window!?" He gently grabbed my hand and inspected me as if searching for my injuries. "Where does it hurt?"

"My arm and my ribs, but really it is fine," I assured him.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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