Part 6

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*A/n I'm going to put () when things are going through your head what your are thinking about
"Her name was Tanya Hill she was 29, a bartender. Found 2 days ago in Edgewood, New Mexico. She's the fifth woman in over 6 months to be found dead in a ditch off the I-40 and I-25." JJ

"All were manually strangled none were sexually assaulted"

Well maybe the act of strangulation is what gets him off, I state.

"Where were they abducted from?" EP

"All over." JJ

"Well, they're not just crossing state lines these cities are hundreds of miles apart." DM

"That's a lot of bodies why is it taking so long to be invited?" DR

"We haven't been invited. We found this on hsk database." AH

"A lot of police departments won't want this problem." DM

"The geographical shows that only one of them has it they just don't know it yet." SR

How do u know that? I ask

"Because he has a comfort zone based on the direction he was headed when he dumped the bodies. All 5 cases point our unsub heading to Edgewood, New Mexico." SR

"Now so are we." AH
(God his voice is so sexy omg I can't even) I snap out of my thoughts get ready to get on the plane to go to New Mexico.

"So are you going to tell Hotch?" SR

No! I don't even know if he likes me and if he doesn't it will just be awkward around here then what Spence? (Me and Spencer have gotten really close he's my best friend idk what I'd do without him)

"Oh come on I can tell he likes you to he smiles a bit more whenever your around/talk." SR

He does? I've never noticed huh, I say.

"[your nickname] tell him you deserve to be happy and Hotch deserves to be happy. You deserve to be together." SR

Ok maybe I will, I say.

I go up to Aaron's office and knock on the door.

"Come in." AH

Hey um I wanted to talk to you about something, I say very nervously.

"What is it?" AH

(Okay don't be a pussy just say it) Well I just wanted to tell you that I like you, I say kinda fast.

A minute goes by and I go to turn around the door bc he hasn't said anything. But he takes my hand and spins me to face him and kisses me. I'm surprised at first but start kissing him back.

"I like you to y/n but I don't know if I'm ready for anything serious just yet maybe just something less serious that might turn into something serious." AH

That's alright Aaron we can do that, I say.

"We have to get on the plane now" AH

"Clearly this unsub doesn't care about his victims being found." DM

"Or he knows he can't be linked to them." AH

The M.E.'s report supports that. Matching DNA was found on all 5 victims, I say.

"But not any database." AH

Right, I say.

"It's also in keeping with the victimology and the abduction sites." SR

"Which are what?" EP

"Target rich and offender friendly." SR

"Time of death from time abduction varies dramatically in each case." AH

Some lived 12 hours, other 24 before they were killed , I say.

"So what's he doing with them?" JJ

"Well he's not having sex with them there's no sign of the torcher or even the restraints. What was the matching DNA?"

Uh skin. That and metal shavings were found under the fingernails of all 5 victims. Tanya only had one fingernail left, I say.

"One nail?" JJ

Yeah it looks like whatever she was in she tried to claw her way out, I say sadly.

"JJ have Garcia match victimology and abduction to the hsk findings for the last year." AH

If he sticks to this timeline, Edgewood is about to discover another body, I say.
We all settle in our seats everyone but me and Spencer have headphones in.

"Did you do it?" SR

Yeah I did.

"Wow I didn't think you would actually do it." SR

Hey what?

"What did he say?" SR

Well he's not looking for anything serious but he's willing to do something less serious that might turn into something more serious.

"Wow so you're okay with this you know you might get attached." SR

I do not! (You do you just don't want to admit it) and yes I'm ok with it.

"Okay sure just don't come to me when you do." SR
We figured out how he's transporting the bodies by a semi truck. Then we got another missing person and then we found a body at the abduction site. Then we started finding out what he's looking for a companion. Then we narrowed our search to try to find who it might be. We go over the profile again and find out he's looking for a wife a mother. Then we give Garcia our information to her so she can narrow it down. The Garcia found Wade Hatchett who's wife died in a house fire. So we rush to Jodys foster parents house before wade gets there. Wade holds Nacy hostage we convince him to let her go then he shoots himself.
On the plane going home Derek comes to talk to me.
"Whatcha reading?"

The hsk database. Do you know there's probably have a dozen serial killers driving around right now?

"What's really bothering you?"

Jody lost her Mom and then her Dad and the couple that was going to adopt her backed out. It's all over the news. It's just, it's just not fair.

"Her aunt saw the story she came forward she'd lost touch with Jody's Mom over the past few years but she's her only relative and she wants to raise Jody.



"You know, y/l/n when I think about the thing ls we see on a daily basis, all the bad I'm still amazed at all the good."

Yeah but, do you think it evens out?

"I'd like to think it does."
A/n finally finished after distracting myself every time I tried to write lol but um slight problem I don't know how to write smut and I don't want it to be cringy so someone help 😂

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