Part 4

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Sitting at the round table discussing the case.

"This is captain Paul Collins he's the third victim in 2 weeks in Providence, Rhode Island" JJ

"Captain?" SR

"Yeah he just returned home 2 weeks ago from his fourth tour in Iraq he's a decorated war hero." JJ

Was he maybe targeted because he's in the military? I questioned.

"No just like the first two victims, he was targeted because he was convenient. He was killed at a church during an early service." JJ

"Neck was cut open severed the carotid artery bled out in a matter of moments" SR

"Right in front of his daughter" JJ

"Murder in a church is highly symbolic is there a religious agenda involved?" EP

"The detective on the case, Jake Moreland ruled that out because of the first two victims. The first victim Mike O'Donnell, was found under a sink in the men's room at a restaurant." JJ

What kind of Restraunt? I say as I push my hair behind my ear.

"Local place, white tablecloths and jug wine. The second victim Karen Lagrassa was killed at a landromat and all three had their throats slashed." JJ

"Aside from M.O. the victimology's all over the place it's like this guy doesn't care who he's killing just how" DM

"And he's doing it in public without compunction for who sees him" DR

"Do we have a sketch?" AH

"All anyone can agree on is that it's a white male between 25 and 40" JJ

Well that narrows it down to all of providence, I say.

"Hard to fault the witnesses given how bloody these murders must be" DR

"What bothers me is the cooling off period is getting shorter and shorter with no attempt to hide who he is or what he's doing. I mean an unsub this bold could be suffering from a major psychotic break" DM

"I already asked detective Moreland to pull recent releases on prisons and mental hospitals." JJ

"We need to get to Providence asap weather he's suffering a psychotic break or not this could be the start of a spree." AH

"And anyone is a potential target" DM

On the plane going over the case.

Why is he using a knife? Guns assured the highest number of fatalities if all he's interested in is quantity. He could be doing this more efficiently, I ask.

"He could be training spree killers often to dry runs before they start their rampage" JJ

"Most spree killers have lost control by the time they begin" AH

"They're always male and they don't fall into the school shooter category they're older, 40s and 50s socially isolated" DM

"The stressor's usually the dissolution of their last outlet" EP

"Of their last social outlet George Hennard was inspired by James Huberty between the two of them they shot 43 people at fast food restaurants" SR

"Well, if he's practicing for his mass murder he's definitely getting bolder about it" EP

And bloodier I say as I push the hair behind my ear.

"Right now the shock and the awe of the bloodletting seems to be what he's going for but soon that won't be enough" DR

"That makes sense with regards to his fantasy life if he is planning something big he'll spend his day dreaming of it getting back at slights both real and imagined" SR

Sit down and shut up// Aaron hotchner x readerWhere stories live. Discover now