Part 3

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Going to work Jj has a case for us and it's a child case which we all know are very hard on all of us. Getting on the plane Garcia is coming with which that just means it's worse than we thought.

"Sir, it's not that I'm not glad to be coming with you because I am I just don't understand the why" PG

"One of the aspects of an equivocal death investigation when suicide it's a probability is an indirect personality assessment. Our victims are all internet generation kids there should be invaluable personal data on their computers to mine for the evaluation" AH

"If they committed suicide evidence of it will probably in their cyber world" DM

"So I'm going to be snooping through dead kids computers?" PG

"This plane seldom makes pleasure trips" DR
"We've all been over the the files let's talk about victimology" AH

"All four kids were decent students from neighboring towns but the same school and the same county" DR

"Active in sports and community" DM

Intact families no mental disorders no precipitating events, you point out.

"These are just average good kids there has to be some underlying issue" DM

"Besides relative proximity there's no obvious connection between any of them" SR

It seems to rule out an overt suicide pact

"The first few days leading up to a teenager's suicide are usually very telling their behavior is transparent there's a multitude of indicators" SR

"Yeah but the most common don't exist here there is no prior attempts no period of deep depression no withdrawal from family members no spontaneous proclamations of love" JJ

"Spontaneous proclamations of love?" EP

"Sometimes a suicidal person in the days leading up to the act will just blurt out I love you to the family sort of like a goodbye" JJ

"We'll start with the latest two victims if they were suicides let's find out what drove them to it" AH

I noticed that this was really affecting jj and that this case would probably be really hard on her for a reason I don't know yet. When we landed and went to the police station talking what we should do with the media. Then set up everything we need to work this case then go to the victims house. Spence, Derek and Emily are at one house them me, jj and Aaron are at the other.
Jj slipped up and said the wrong words and know everything is a little tense in the house. We figure out she is a low suicide risk which means that she wouldn't be likely to kill herself. We bring the computers to Garcia so she can do her magic.
We found the choking game on their computer/gaming device. Which means someone was telling them to kill themselves for a contest. And with all of this information we are ready to give the profile.

"We believe the unsub responsible for these deaths may be a teenager" AH

He's a loaner he doesn't participate in team sports or group activities. He's withdrawn very low self-esteem, you say.

"His only form of pure interaction is online he engages in activity that draws attention to himself yet isolates himself from his peers" SR

"In real life, he considers himself a loser in cyberspace he can pull strings makes him feel powerful" DR

"Does this kid know that other kids are dying because of him?" A police officer says.

"He's choking himself and daring others to do it so we are most likely looking at reckless homicides here" DM
Jj gave warning signs to parents and teachers hopefully that will help us catch it before they really harm themselves. Spencer and Derek talk to the kids and why they shouldn't do this in the first place and look out for any students. While they were there they found a boy named Christopher that could possibly behind all of this. But we were wrong but only slightly bc it wasn't Christopher it was his father.
On the plane going home you go up to Jj to check on her because you could just tell that this case was hard on her.


"Hey coffee?"

No thanks I don't drink coffee but I wanted to make sure you were ok I can just tell that this was hard on you.

"My sister gave this to me when I was 11, she just came into my bedroom one afternoon and told me no matter what happened she loved me, this was her favorite necklace, so I told her I couldn't take it but she insisted I, of course was secretly very happy because I always wanted one just like hers, that's the last time- I never"

I'm sorry

You go sit down to sit across from Aaron everyone is asleep or have headphones in.

"You ok?"

Yeah I'll be ok it's just with cases like these especially children cases it's really hard.

"Yeah they always take all your energy and also give you hard time if you think about it too much"

Yeah I guess I'll just try to take my mind off of it.

Meanwhile while Jj and Emily and Spencer are talking.

"How long do you think it will take for them to get together?" JJ

"Hotch and y/n? Oh maybe 3 months" EP

Spencer is just mapping out how long it take for Hotch to be ready for another relationship.

"What are you guys talking about?" DM

"Placing bets on how long it takes for Hotch and y/n to get together" JJ

"I say 4 months" DM

"6 months" SR

"2 months" DR

Hopefully I can try update more I'm really trying to get in the writing mode and find the time

Sit down and shut up// Aaron hotchner x readerWhere stories live. Discover now